The Product Idea boards have gotten an update to better integrate them within our Product team's idea cycle! However this update does have a few unique behaviors, if you have any questions about them check out our FAQ.

Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

1 Review

Our submission guidelines & status definitions before getting started

2 Search

The community for a solution or existing idea before posting

3 Vote

By clicking the like in the top left corner of an idea you support

4 Submit

A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

Suggest an idea

In today's day and age, we are constantly on the move and we may not always have access to the laptop/desktop that we have installed Alteryx on. While on the move and no access to the Alteryx installed computer, it would be great to login to the Alteryx Community Simulator to test or solve a problem or try a new field, formula, etc. to see how the results would look.

It would be wonderful to have a rich mobile version of the community.


Lithium has an experimental (beta) version out there, and if Alteryx can adopt this we can use the power of the alteryx community to test this and make this bullet proof.


Hopefully this lithium mobile app can be used on any lithium-powered site without re-engineering?


Congratulations!  You've ______________ 5 times this week.  Some new gamification ideas to reward continuous involvement in the community.





Similar to the weekly challenges camping badges (weekly challenge badges that are assigned when individuals complete - 5, 10, 30, 50, 100 challenges) - There should be camping badges for the regular Alteryx For Good visitors.- 2, 5, 7, 10, 15, 30, 50, 100 (the frequency can be less as there are only limited number of visits one can make throughout the year).


This will bring in a gamification aspect for a good cause and will also be helpful to track individuals who have done more AFG visits and others can leverage their experience and expertise.


Please note this Idea is different from the Adhoc Badge idea posted earlier.

Alteryx For Good Activity in India is AdHoc (based on when the charity organization was on-boarded and based on the nature of the Alteryx use cases they have) hence, we will rarely be able to follow or get the existing Alteryx For Good week badges.


The suggestion is to create new badges that can be allocated to individuals who participate in such events/activities.


This will help to keep up the momentum of the volunteers!


(I understand tracking can be a challenge, but we can use eventbrite portal to track the attendance.)

So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...

I'd love to see the ability to create a private community that would serve as a subset to  Many of us work for large corporations and are unaware of other users within the organization.  We are left to our own devices to attempt to connect and share.  With private communities we could

  • enable better networking (who's going to conference?)
  • automatically suggest membership to the private community based on email domain or license
  • encourage better participation through gamification/badging (competing against peers vs Alteryx consultants and wise aces)
  • share knowledge
  • identify who the best participants were within our organization (as a way to identify talent)
  • reveal opportunity gaps and leverage positive peer pressure (if Joe's department is now certified why isn't mine?)

Can't find inspire 2016 and 2017 videos web pages on Alteryx web site are they removed?

I think the New Posts feed could be improved by filtering the Challenge question answers out of it. They push out people's actual new comments and questions.

I have had a number of times where I've responded to forum posts only to discover upon posting that someone else has posted an (often better) answer ahead of me, and my answer is now redundant.


It would be nice to have a notification before posting that the thread has changed.


I love the Weekly Challenges.   Unfortunately, my corporate security has deemed them insecure.   I cannot any longer download the starter or the challenges.   Could we also have the starter in a word or text description so that we can recreate it on my side.   I can still download documents... I think!  

(Dogbert Principle of Security:   "Ideally, perfect security is only achieved when there is no possibility of achieving meaningful work .") 

Not going to bore you with my use case (but if you really want to know, send me a private message), but I think it would be an added bonus to specify which email address you want to use for community subscriptions, even if it's not the email tied to your community profile.

I would like to be able to search the Alteryx Gallery by user, and have the gallery items available for view on a community users profile page.


This will allow community members to be able showcase not only their community engagement, but also their Gallery catalogue in the one place.

Sometimes, Ideas are posted by users that have solutions or workarounds that meet the user's need.  When others in the Community respond with these suggestions, the ideas usually end up in a status of "Not Planned".

I think it would be really helpful to be able to mark these as "solved".  An example of this is the following post:


Here, the user posted a suggestion, and I as well as @mcarrico were able to provide suggestions that met this need.  I think marking this post as Solved could help other users who have the same thought in the future.

I also think that this might be an opportunity for an additional tag for Community ideas, either "workaround available" or "already implemented".  "Not Planned" doesn't necessarily read as well as it could in cases where a solution exists.


Not sure it happens in every browser but here is how it looks on me;





I needed to mention Alteryx Support team,

in order to inform them about an issue I came across...


But couldn't find any users called


  • @AlteryxSupport or
  • @Ayxsupport or just
  • @Support

we need to mention them in our community post I belive to make sure the issues clients and potential cliens hwho are trying the demo are answered on time etc...



It would be really great if we could organize our Community friends into groups (ex. local users, personal friends, coworkers) and be able to send private messages to the group instead of one for each individual.

What if the Alteryx Community held monthly tournaments where users compete to finish a number of challenges as quickly, accurately, and elegantly as possible.

The solutions could be evaluated by a panel of judges and badges and/or prizes given.

It would be nice if users could 'check in' when they attend certain events together like Alteryx Inspire, Tableau Conference, or a local community event.

The event people are checked-in to could be posted as a status next to a user's name (ex. JoshKushner - at Alteryx Inspire 2018) and popular events could be summarized on the community home page.


This could publicize to other community users meet-up opportunities they might not have been aware of and could facilitate community engagement in real life.

Could we add the capability to quickly get to the list of ideas that I have posted so that I can check on them and / or add to them?


The use case here is that often I'll say to someone "Yip - we suggested this as an idea, please add comments here...", but with hundreds of ideas in the system, it's not easy to see the ideas that are mine so that I can quickly refer someone to the right link.   This can be done via the advanced search, but this is somewhat awkward to use (you have to search for something, then hit advanced search, then filter for yourself as author and Ideas as category, and then go through this page at a time)


A nice way of doing this may be to embed a tableau dash in each users's profile page, so that you can see your own ideas, grouped by popularity or grouped by tag, or by date posted etc.



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