Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Closed captioning would be a welcomed feature for the Interactive Lessons in Academy. This would enhance user experience and enables those with hearing impairments to learn the Alteryx software.

Hi all,


Reading through the product ideas raised by the community - it strikes me that there are significant clusters.   Two jump out - improvements to date/time handling & parsing, and caching.


This is not a suggestion about either of these topics, but a question about how we look at and structure these ideas.   Let's take the date-time ones (full list is below) as a worked example:

- there are 23 distinct ideas (or 22 if you exclude the one about generating random dates) which relate to the treatment (mainly parsing; formatting or constructing) of dates & times

- None of these individually has enough votes to get them onto the "hot ideas" list - however when you look in aggregate across them, the theme of "standardizing and enriching date-time processing" is probably one of the hottest topics at the moment.


Two suggestions:

Tagging: If we are able to spot these patterns - and then create a tag that is related to this (in this case "DateTime handling") - the product team would probably be able to do some pretty interesting analytics.

Grouping: In order to allow people to spot these BEFORE they log the next idea which is trying to achieve the same thing - is it worth the community creating a grouped-up idea which then becomes persistent if there is a clear trend; and we can link out to these ideas?   For example an idea saying "standardize & Enrich treatment of date time", which then becomes a sticky item at the top of the forum so that folks don't have to search for pages to see if their idea is a duplicate.

NOTE: this second one (grouping) will also save time for the product team because they won't have to spend as much time flagging duplicates...


Hope this makes sense - as always, happy to help in thinking about potential solutions.


Note: the 23 ideas related to date-time treatment are captured below (as a worked example), and the authors of these ideas have been tagged out of courtesy


@DultonM @braxtone @Philip @AshokBhatt @CSchrader @dawid_nawrot @jdunkerley79 @Joe_Lipski @ChadB @nicholas_carstens @GGuenther @AndrewW @RachelW








A little recognition for the users who have the most contributed to implemented ideas. We can imagine a badge for 1, 5,.... 1000 ideas implemented on the model of likes/ solved, etc.



Best regards,


It would be great if we could filter our own posts by type (idea, blog, etc,) to better manage our history and perhaps follow up on previous posts.

maybe the monthly update could include counts of newly certified community members in the monthly post? 





To make it easier to find the latest download for Alteryx... it was easy when it was but then it changed to and I wasted some time trying to find a way to get to it. It could also just be a link under Getting Started or Alteryx Resources, I know it's out there as a link somewhere but more a more visible and prominent option would be nice. Something like my wonderful artist rendition below:



if I post a useful article in the community I'd like the ability to mark it as such, rather than as a question. At the moment I get emails prompting me to accept a solution - when there isn't a solution required. Marking a topic as "information only" or similar would solve this.

Hi there Alteryx team,


Firstly, thank you for the care that you put into nurturing and tending this community!


Looking at the badges - it seems that it may be useful to discriminate between posts made in the Ideas sections; vs. posts made in the discussion or the Weekly Challenge section.

My thinking here is that some folk will be able to make a huge contribution in new product or community ideas - while others may be assisting the community with solutions; suggestions; replies etc.   Both are valuable and both are very different ways to contribute.


:-) additionally - like you've done with the weekly challenges - we could make this fun (e.g. use light-bulb or invention-themed badge icons for folks who are prolific idea generators).


Thanks again for all you do




I like getting email notifications from the Alteryx Community because I often post solutions in Designer Discussions, and knowing when someone has responded without having to keep the Community open all the time helps me to better answer questions.


However, the Weekly challenges are a flurry of activity, and they continue to be active basically forever. I can unsubscribe individually from each Challenge I complete, but that adds an additional step for every single challenge.

I'd really appreciate being able to specifically turn off notifications, or notifications on replies to a thread, in specific forums, like the Weekly Challenges forum.  This would let me better customize my experience.

It would be nice if we could present the Community Private Messages board into a in more conversation style layout (something like Outlook or Gmail).


Currently, Received and Sent messages are stand-alone pages, and it gets difficult to refer back to a previous message in a given thread without opening them in a new browser tab.

While @SeanAdams is posting pictures of poppy I see him struggling to get the picture orientation right. It would be nice to be able to have minor edits in the picture saving process. 









Hi @JulieH (et al),


What's the social conversation going on right now about #alteryx (or other followed hashtags)?  We can see who's logged into the community, but what about a feed of the greater social universe?  Could we integrate a twitter feed into the community?


Along with that, maybe users would want to have instant messaging to the public (contained within the community) as a lighter form of posts.


Just a few related ideas.




Just a few years ago I saw the Alteryx Server Certification Exam.

However now it is not possible to test the Server skills.


Please give an Alteryx Server Certification Exam.

It would be nice to have a Community format that is also geared toward sharing custom Macros and Workflow solutions as a way to give back to the Alteryx Community, rather than base the entire interaction on question / problem posting and offering solutions. I use Alteryx mostly on the software development side, so most of my solutions have to be more dynamic and universal. Most of us don't have time to stay on top of all of the new question posts and help users with "one off" workflow challenges, so it would be great for us to have a place to share some dynamic custom macros / solutions / tools that could save people a ton o f hassle and time.


Something along the lines of sharing "Use Cases" in combination with some custom dynamic workflow / macro solutions. I have tried to share things in the past and the Community structure is completely geared toward Q & A.

Hi Alteryx,


If people who are registered for AFG could volunteer by solving problems as a part of Weekly Challenges it'd really bridge the gap between volunteering for Non-profits. The help needed by NGO's with Alteryx could be broken down in problem statements and can be worked on. 



Rohan Waghere

It would be great if we could have a feature in the community where I can recommend an article to a friend or colleague from within the site.


If we wanted to make this really fun, you could even reward people who bring new folk into the community - you get credit for every new joiner, only after they graduate beyond a certain user level (e.g. Atom or Meteor), and the credit belongs to the first person who sent them a recommendation?


We already have one of the best communities out there, the question is how do we get better at telling more people about it!

Hi @LeahK


On of the challenges with the discussion board is that every-so-often you come across one like this:

or like this


Where this may be beyond the technical ability of the community team, and really needs someone from within the Alteryx Dev team who knows the internals of the tool to provide a technical response.   

However - unlike the "meet the community" post - there's no similar idea for the technical folk so we don't know where to send these.


I don't think that relying on you and your team to spot these kind of items is a workable / scalable answer either - there's just too many posts on the fora for you to read every one and make this kind of determination.


I can think of three ways to address this:

a) create a similar post for "meet the tech team" to identify 4 or 5 technical people who are willing to jump onto these more technical items (like MattD; Chad; Sophia / Sofia), and then when we come across these one of us can just tag the relevant technical person onto the thread.

b) we add this to the new functionality that you're thinking about under "report content" - we add another option called "escalate to technical folk"

c) we create a generic @ sign for something like @TechnicalTeamNeeded where when we spot one of these, we can then just reply and tag the technical team, which would put this into the right people's queues.


The vast majority of questions and issues can be solved by the community, so I'm keen that whatever solution we come up with doesn't deluge your technical folk - but at the same time it's important that we create a channel for the small subset that need extra assistance, to be able to get these into the right hands without your tech teams having to trawl through hundreds of community posts daily.



Many (all?) of the dates used in the community site are following the US date format, i.e. MM-DD-YYYY. However, in many places around the world, the standard date format is DD-MM-YYYY. Being a 'crossover' from Oz to US, I'm aware of the difference, but many will not be.


Could we use a more obvious format that makes it clear to both sides? I find the YYYY-MM-DD to work well for this purpose, as well as for sorting. But there are other formats that could work, e.g. DD-MMM-YYYY or MMM DD, YYYY.

It would be really great if we could organize our Community friends into groups (ex. local users, personal friends, coworkers) and be able to send private messages to the group instead of one for each individual.


This is similar to some other requests I've posted in the past relating to badges.

When I look at my profile ( I see a series of badges sorted by earned date - so the most recently earned badges are at the top.  This is a helpful listing, but as new badges are earned, some really cool ones float off the page.  For example, my Core Certification badge moved off recently, and the Advanced Certified is on its way off the page!


I'm wondering if a second row could be added of "favorites", with an option for users to "favorite" some badges that they really like.  These may be things like the certifications which speak to a user's qualifications/experience, or something like the "Stars Champion" badge, which only one user has.  I think allowing a curated list like this could add a lot of value to user profiles, and add a sense of customization/personalization, increasing engagement.