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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Recognition of new ideas

Hi there Alteryx team,


Firstly, thank you for the care that you put into nurturing and tending this community!


Looking at the badges - it seems that it may be useful to discriminate between posts made in the Ideas sections; vs. posts made in the discussion or the Weekly Challenge section.

My thinking here is that some folk will be able to make a huge contribution in new product or community ideas - while others may be assisting the community with solutions; suggestions; replies etc.   Both are valuable and both are very different ways to contribute.


:-) additionally - like you've done with the weekly challenges - we could make this fun (e.g. use light-bulb or invention-themed badge icons for folks who are prolific idea generators).


Thanks again for all you do




Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Great feedback @SeanAdams! We're definitely planning on adding gamification elements to ideas within the community (both Product Ideas and Community Suggestions, respectively). We're likely to start with recognizing users who've submitted "completed" ideas, and then explore how best to acknowledge and reward other types of behavior. I've changed the status to Under Review for the time being, but expect that we'll be moving this to "On the Roadmap" soon :)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

So - I admit it.    I really get a kick out of those notifications that say that I've earned a new badge.    


What about a category of badges for ideas that are logged by a given user?    In my mind, this is one of the more important contributions that a community member can make (providing real feedback from the field about what is working and what is not working) but doesn't have a badge for this category of contribution.


We may need to design this carefully so that we don't end up with dozens of the same ideas, or loads of ideas that are not relevant - a possible way of doing this may be rewarding the ideas that get a certain number of stars or where the product team confirm it's not a duplicate and move it to a review status?



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

:-) hey all- I'm coming close to 100 new ideas logged (will probably hit this before end Oct) - is there any possibility of us creating a badge system for ideas?

Even if we limit this to ideas that have received more than 1 star, and/or ideas that make it to "under review", that would still work?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Congratulations on logging so many ideas, @SeanAdams! We are still exploring what makes the most sense when it comes to rewarding/recognizing ideas submitted through the Community. You have a lot of great suggestions, which we will certainly take into consideration. 


I'm changing the status to comments requested for time being. Let's see what others think!

12 - Quasar

I am always a fan of new badges to earn (the thrill of a new badge is invigorating). I personally think two sets of badges (ideas submitted and ideas implemented) would make sense to parallel the function of posts.


I do agree that ideas logged should be separate from discussion posts as it is a very different form of community engagement.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

This is such a cool idea, and one that I think could benefit not only the community, but enhance the experience and reward for taking the extra time and effort to submit ideas (both on the Community side of things and the Product side of things).  I'm changing this to Under Review so that we can scope out what the requirements of something like this would be.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Revisit

We're planning on looking at some new community gamification in the future, but we want to wait until we have time to look at the program holistically before piecing things together. We'll revisit this once we kick off that project!