Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Curious if folks in the transportation industry would be interested in re-invigorating an Alteryx supported member-led transportation user group? Sounds like @NeilFisk and @williamchan are willing to lead the charge and from an Alteryx perspective, it would be helpful to gauge interest from potential members to inform bringing this group back under the User Groups wheelhouse.


Give this idea a "like" to let us know you'd be excited about joining a Transportation group in community and getting involved in quarterly meetings. If you're willing to speak, host, lead, please comment as well ;-)


In the meantime, Neil and William are hoping to connect with folks at Inspire Denver 2022


If you work in a different industry and are interested in other Industry user groups, please create a new Community idea, add the user group label, and share what you have in mind. 

@TreyW I'm loving all of the community updates! 1 thing I do miss is the ability to sort my community subscription emails based on looking for certain key phrases. Specifically, I like to know when someone is posting a comment/reply on an ideas board. My email updates from the ideas board used to include the word idea in the body of the email like so:



Now with the updates to the various boards, it looks like the word "ideas" was dropped from my notification emails, so now I can't tell that it was an ideas post:


It would be great if "idea" could be added back to email updates!




Currently, there is no consolidated group for Alteryx For Good where individuals can join as members or post a blog or recent visit post. (I understand co-lab is there but it is very different from the ask)


The suggestion is to create a separate tab under - Alter Nation tab of the community portal similar to Women of Analytics.


This will help all the AFG enthusiasts to stay updated about the news and events happening across the world and also take some learnings from each other's visits and implement it in their respective regions.


This will also generate more excitement about Alteryx For Good and eventually trigger more Good to the community!!!

I like that we can now connect our linkedin and other accounts to our profile: I would like to also connect my twitter account. 






I'd like to suggest adding a feature to automatically @ tag/mention the person you are replying to. I've seen sometimes users (especially those new to Community) forget to @ the person they are replying to, assuming by clicking reply the other person will get a Notification, but that's not the case. I think this feature will make a difference so people don't have to turn on "Email me when someone replies" or subscribe to the post to get notified of every single reply.

Hello Alteryx Team,


I know that there is an option to add the badge to LinkedIn but nowadays there are a lot of companies that are usign more and more the Credly platform to check your certifications.


The idea, is that the Alteryx certification badgeds will be added to your Credly Acclaim profile. I think it's not good that there is another company offering this badgeds in this platform, should be the Alteryx Community.

Can the categories for the Gallery be sorted alphabetical and always keep that order ?

Same for the results (add the ability to sort)

It should be possible to 'like' a reply to an idea posted on the community.


Many times users post workarounds, hints, or maybe even full solutions to people's ideas and the ability for the original poster and other community members to like these would be valuable to show appreciation.


Furthermore, I think it would be great to have the ability to mark idea replies as a solution and/or a workaround. I see this is already an idea, so will up-vote @Claje's post here:


For instance, take this example here, where I hope I've posted a good workaround for @MuralidharAreti :

Alteryx For Good Activity in India is AdHoc (based on when the charity organization was on-boarded and based on the nature of the Alteryx use cases they have) hence, we will rarely be able to follow or get the existing Alteryx For Good week badges.


The suggestion is to create new badges that can be allocated to individuals who participate in such events/activities.


This will help to keep up the momentum of the volunteers!


(I understand tracking can be a challenge, but we can use eventbrite portal to track the attendance.)

Currently the only way that a thread can be closed on the discussion boards is if it's solved, however there are several cases where it cannot be solved because it's identified a defect, or something that would be an idea for the product.

In these cases, can we have an option to close this thread (so that folk can see it's done) even if it's not solved with a different closure indicator?


I can think of a few:

- Transfer to idea

- Transfer to defect/bug

- Abandoned



Currently, tagging is pretty easy in the Alteryx Community, just type '@' followed by your favourite user, and you can add them to the post. 

However, I've found sometimes it can require typing their full name to find users. I think this could be improved by having a 'suggested', or reordering of the tagging functionality. Let me demonstrate:

If I want to tag @patrick_digan (Sorry Patrick, just using you as an example :) )

I can type @patrick and he does not show up:


This makes me sad. Clearly I love my name displayed in his notifications.

The following accounts are displayed (sensibly, due to naming):




What I'd quite like is a couple of spots at the top of the searching functionality to be highlighted, as a suggested tag based on what you have typed. I think it would be sensible to have this determined by any of:

  • Highest Rank (sensible, the sorting already exists in the graphql):
  • Most recently/most often tagged
  • Most active
  • Potentially even more interesting, who has been seen most recently in threads (although I imagine this isn't possible easily).


And this would look like:


(yes, I do have certified MS Paint Master on my CV)

This should just to make it a bit easier to tag those most likely to be searched for on the Community.





Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.


I think it would cool if we would make some enchantments in the area of creating new topics. I hope this topic will be a good conversation starter about how this should exactly look like.

In my opinion, the current format for creating new topics could be enhanced. The current recommendations don't have sufficient information to identify if this recommendation is relevant for me.

Suppose the recommendation would show like four first rows of text. Thanks to this small change, we could make it more useful. Sometimes, people don't search for the answer before posting a new topic, and it would be great if they could found a solution without creating a new post.




If other people have more ideas regarding creating new topics please feel free to share them here. 



We don't have any place to post idea about the cloud products. Since it's clearly new products, isn't it relevant to ask your users about what they need?

Best regards,


Looking through the Top Ideas I was struck by how many are already in the product and marked as "Now Available" - this is fantastic but it does make navigating this view difficult. Could we remove them and move them into a "Now Available" view so we can see what great work the Product Team and Devs are doing at listening to the community?



Hi there,


On several of the challenges, we are limited from attaching exported solutions (it only allows workflow files).    Additionally - it would be helpful to be able to attach flows & data files to PMs and to replies on ideas to avoid having to use drop-box etc.


could we change the settings on these discussion threads and on the PM area to allow this?


many thanks


Hi all!

This idea stems from my team's need to have Alteryx materials on hand. We have a repository internally built to store all Alteryx related presentations and materials, but it would be great to have it available to Community members if it comes directly from Alteryx.


For example:

  1. Presentation slide templates with high production value curated by Alteryx can be shared to Alteryx teams to showcase results, workflows, value engineering, and so much more! It should also cover common topics like how Alteryx and IT Security go along, the requirements to run Alteryx, what is needed to use Alteryx etc. This helps teams get passed the hurdle of actually introducing Alteryx to their companies too. 
  2. It will also be good to have slides or PDFs that explain roadmaps, best practices, and a sample doc which all teams can use as a base for their governance or just for references. 
  3. Alteryx image assets (as long as it used strictly for Alteryx purposes / demo and not outside commercial purposes) will be great too! Adds flair to what we do in our documentation. This discussion is pertinent! 

Screenshot 2023-07-04 085658.png


It would be useful to be able to copy and paste images directly into the discussion forums. In heavily locked down IT environments, such as at my current client site, it's not possible to use the insert/edit image button. The only way I can load an image to a discussion is to copy into a word doc and attach it.


The Tableau forums allow a simple copy/paste of an image into their forums, implementing that same functionality into the Alteryx forum would be a big help. Even for users who are able to load images it would save them time, instead of having to save an image then upload, ctrl-c ctrl-v is much quicker.

Is there any way to add filter/sort functionality on the events page when they are shown as a list? It looks like the default is to show events in chronological order, but maybe someone wants to see only events in Kansas or only events that are user group meetings.

When I receive an email notification that one of my Community posts got a like, the subject line needs to be more clear. Currently, this is what it says:





This is not very helpful. Instead of this mysterious "Subject $ '{'notification.message.subject}" line, the subject/link should be the title of the post that got the like. If I replied to a post and that response got the like, the title of the post I’m replying to would still be appropriate for the subject.