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It would be really nice to be able to sort Discussion Forum posts by the 4 stats that you give for each -- Unread, Replies, Stars, Views
I think it would be great if there was a knowledge base section(or something similar) for any user to post random workflows that they find useful and want to share/solicit feedback from the community. Several posts from the last few weeks would fit well in this new category and sparked the idea: https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Setup-Configuration/Polling-a-directory-for-changed-files/m-p/51019 by @N___ or https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Publishing-Gallery/An-API-Client-for-Alteryx-Gallery-in-R/m-p/49464... by @michael_treadwell. Instead of having these great workflows buried/mixed in with all the questions, it would great if there was a single spot for people to post various workflows back to the community and get comments/feedback/enhancements from fellow community members. I think many more people would be open to sharing and commenting on posts like this if they had a spot to post them that is separate from all the Q&A style spots.
I think it would be great to have Grand Prix style event once a quarter for the weekly challenges. This can be broken down by expertise level. I see this increasing the engagement on the community and further spread the word on weekly challenges. Also, not everyone makes it on stage for Grand Prix, this event could be their opportunity to experience Grand Prix
When me or my clients try to compare alteryx to other vendors,
we all end up seeing graphs like the one below. These are showing how very few tags alteryx has on stackoverflow...
Clients often consider how it's easy to find answers to common analytics or software related questions. Alteryx seems to have a lag in there.
I wish, me and all of Alteryx community friends could be able to link their Alteryx accounts to the stackoverflow accounts and once we write down a question it's going to be automatically posted on stackoverflow and when an answer is received it'll update us as well...
I sincerely believe that this will greately increse the word of mouth effect on Alteryx products.
Lumping Connect in with Gallery makes it difficult to find things specific to Connect. There is already one thread tagged as "Connect," which has nothing to do with Connect. I know it is new, and there is little activity, but with the issues I am experiencing, I expect the space to explode very quickly.
Can we have a dedicated section on the community for just Tips and Tricks where people can post tips and tricks that they would have discovered ? This could be a short video or a screenshot with some description.
This is probably just the neat-freak inside of me but I've been noticing more an more Community posts that don't really belong where they are. Examples:
To help the moderators out, I think adding a "Suggest Move" option to the Options Menu on a post (pictured below) would be valuable.
When selecting this option a little window could pop up with a list of the different areas of the Community. The user would then select the one that they feel the post should be moved too. Moderators would then see all the suggested moves on a special screen and perform the move if they agree. Ideally, any hyperlinks to the moved post that exist within other posts on the community would be redirected.
The positive benefits of this would be:
Given the certification exams are accessed through the community, I would like the option to have 2 step authentication on my profile by registered email address/phone SMS. Is it possible to add this as a feature within the profile settings so that those who would like to add more security to their profile are able to do so?
It would be great if we could attached multiple files in a single post/reply. Thank you!
Is there a way that I can view all of the forums posts which have 0 replies? I've used this on another forum to find topics to respond to.
So we have specific divisions on the community;
but nothing for Datasets!
Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages; https://www.alteryx.com/products/platform-details/pricing.
So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...
[Old Dog] + [New Tricks]
Here's a gripe. I'm used to typing "help.alteryx.com" (or a shortened version of it) into my address bar when helping others in the community. Now you get redirected to a landing page for 3 products and have to choose which Alteryx product you are asking for help with. I've thought of a few alternatives to this including help.alteryx.com/designer which would bring you to the most recent version of the help page.
I try to include hyperlinks to help articles when practical. Hopefully it gives the hope that help can be found in the help documentation (LMGTFY). To that end, perhaps a button (to help) on community would be useful?
While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.
How about a filter that would reveal all ZERO reponse items in the Discussion forums? This would reveal old questions that never found a response.
When I've attempted to register for exams, my @gmail.com address is not recognized as valid. It wants a "business" email. But I think that it should definitely accept the email address associated with your community profile and probably just accept anything a user wants, considering that it already also asks for your community profile user ID.
My understanding is that the community email part is already under consideration. Just tossing out an expansion on that idea.
Visualize Alteryx Ideas
The IDEAS landing page should have a visually appealing dashboard.
Visualization should track each idea over time, it should be filterable with a keyword search based on a Period, an Idea's Title or Tagged Label.
Appealing color code should be able to distinguish individual Idea's Star Rating.
Viz contents/layout can be inspired from the inputs of community users.
Top Ideas should be released as new product features.
It will be nice to have a filter that letting you select the post based on the amount of replies.
It is mainly to ensure that all the new posts that have 0 comments will be reviewed. As people keep posting questions some are more popular and some less and to ensure that all the post been reviewed it will be nice to be able to filter it on 0 and see if any of the posts are not any more on page 1 and not visible anymore, and the person does not get his question an answer.
The knowledge base site is a great resource for finding help, but it lacks the ability to favorite or bookmark articles for easy access in the future, similar to how community blogs/posts can be saved.
That is all. 🙂
Given the security and privacy concerns, we'd like to disallow users from making any workflows "public". I suppose that this should be a global setting that can be tuned on/off to allow/disallow Public workflows in the gallery.