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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Mark posts as solved for other users

It would be great to add a way for users to mark questions as solved if another user has posted a valid solution for a topic. I often find myself opening posts to try and help answer their questions only to find that a solution has already been provided but the topic was left unresolved. Maybe some logic can be added to only allow this option if the post is over a month old. That way, the original author still has a chance to mark the question as resolved. Otherwise, active users can help clean up the posts by marking questions as resolved by selecting the provided solution. 

1 Comment
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @abe_ibanez, thank you for submitting an idea!


The Community team will be reviewing this idea and discussing ways for users to get solutions marked on behalf of others. In the meantime, feel free to either reach out to the author of the post themselves or notify the moderator, and they will see what they can do to get a solution marked!