Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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In the 2023.1 release - the Alteryx Designer team have delivered one of the most requested features ever - and this brings a huge amount of power to the designer allowing developers to do things that they have never been able to do before!


(see Control Container Tool | Alteryx Help)


Now although Alteryx did release an introductory video on the features in 2023.1 (1) What’s new in Alteryx 2023.1 | Enterprise Ready, Cloud Friendly - YouTube - it seems that there would be a lot of value in releasing a series of small videos to showcase how this helps.


For example

- there could be one video showing off an example that is very tough without dependancy control (e.g. writing to the same excel sheet; or sending an eMail only after the data has been updated; or loading a customer table and only then loading up the customer transactions)

- there's another video showing off the logging aspects

- another showing how the conditional execution simplifies all of your canvasses - e.g. if there are no rows, you can prevent an entire area from running, so you don't have to manage the zero rows issues that you did previously


If you do these videos like other software companies do - showing just how much time and effort it saves in these scenarios (i.e. a before and after) then people will really understand just how big a deal this is.


What do you think @joshuaburkhow @JoshuaB @NicoleJ 

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Hi there,


In the ideas board, there are many ideas which have been marked as Inactive, indicating that they didn't receive enough support, or that they have been unchanged for over a year.

example: SELECT TOOL: Right Click to Select Fields - Alteryx Community


the challenge with this is that ideas may still be useful, but they have been marked as inactive because lack of change (which may well be because the product team is focussed elsewhere for now)


Now - for ideas stuck in this state - the community has started reposting them, as a way to resurrect the idea when it's useful / important.


In order to reduce noise - could we instead have a way of resurrecting inactive ideas like the one above so that the Product team can include them in their thinking, and the community can vote on them?    It would reduce wasted time on the product community; reduce noise; and also make the community feel that their ideas are valued.


Thank you all



cc: @MarqueeCrew @mceleavey 

I wonder if it would be helpful to show/discuss the legal and/or compliance benefits related to alteryx. 

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It would be great to have a forum for users/partners to submit their solutions to each of the weekly challenges (moreso the advanced ones). 


Would be a good way to see how others have approached problems, and create a bit of competition as to who can get the 'slickest' answer!


Kaggle competitions are widely known in academia but not so much in the industry, at least in MENA region...


Mostly college grads, ML practicioners and analytics consultants are attending who frequently code... Instead Community can provide

  1. kaggle tutorials completed on Altery,students and new users can get a grasp of advanced analytics easily...
  2. solutions to old and recent challenges to be solved solely on Alteryx workflows...


To name a few tutorials;


Some recent interesting competitions are;


It may even be a nicer idea if someone publishes a top %1 solution in competitions using Alteryx,

discounts to inspire events or personal licenses may be provided or automatically becoming an ACE for 6 months/a year etc.



Hi all! 


Just had a fun thought over Christmas and didn't find the time to post it. But the general idea is to increase participation in User Groups, and to have more unique flairs to it. 



I think being part of a UG is pretty cool - but having badges that are designed to the UG location would add more flair to it and encourage people to explore UGs too. Tableau does this in a pretty cool way, an example is how they design base on location like for Singapore:



Joining badges helps users to know about UGs and contribute within. Having more activities is fun!



Have UG badges that indicate contributions within as well. For example, being a proactive member by hosting several UGs or events should warrant some form of badge / honor as well. 


I think small pockets can hang out on their own online and have sessions that can help one another. One problem is that UGs are usually dependent on UG Leaders organizing, but if individual users can setup sessions and share their sessions would be good and should be counted too. This helps current UG Leaders find talent and also to plan for succession should a UG Leader wish to step down. 



Having more support from AYX on these programs. I know hosting events and catering is expensive in general. Support from Alteryx in the form of USD 150 per UG setup is already pretty neat. It would be great if we can have more support - some arrangement can be made I'm sure. 


That's all I have for now! Will comment to add more.

It would be nice to have a Community format that is also geared toward sharing custom Macros and Workflow solutions as a way to give back to the Alteryx Community, rather than base the entire interaction on question / problem posting and offering solutions. I use Alteryx mostly on the software development side, so most of my solutions have to be more dynamic and universal. Most of us don't have time to stay on top of all of the new question posts and help users with "one off" workflow challenges, so it would be great for us to have a place to share some dynamic custom macros / solutions / tools that could save people a ton o f hassle and time.


Something along the lines of sharing "Use Cases" in combination with some custom dynamic workflow / macro solutions. I have tried to share things in the past and the Community structure is completely geared toward Q & A.

Can we have the ability to search or organize our bookmarks? With so much great content, it's hard to keep similar bookmarks together. Some communities allow you to save articles under different collections, but at the very least, I think it would be useful to search through things you have already bookmarked (eg."Now, where did I read that?).

I think the New Posts feed could be improved by filtering the Challenge question answers out of it. They push out people's actual new comments and questions.

Can we do a separate board for discussions and ideas related to Designer Cloud? There are some differences in how this relates to Designer today even including simple things like connecting to data and uploading data to make it accessible by the workflow which would make it confusing for new users if this is combined with Desktop Designer.

I am proficient in SQL and new to Alteryx; I see the answer to many of problems quite easily through the SQL language but want to know how to translate much of that to Optimal Alteryx workflows and would if there are alternative approach to the same thing in Alteryx I like to be able choose the path that is most compatible with my Alteryx skill set at the time eg take the path using an Alteryx Tool; a Function, RegEx or other.



- How would perform the equivalent of a GROUP BY and HAVING Clause 

SELECT A, Count(*)

- How would I perform the Teradata SQL equivalent of QUALIFY, RANK, ROWNUM and PARTITION BY

- How would I assign a PRIMARY INDEX upon creation of a table using the Alteryx output without having to create the table myself using SQL on Teradata itself (this is necessary to mitigate unnecessary storage usage resulting from skew)

The weekly challenges provide such a rich resource for strengthening your Alteryx abilities but for new uses a lot of time is spent merely collecting the older challenges to work on them.  I would suggest creating a page with all of the start files, and a page with all of the solution files so that all of the challenges can be downloaded from a single location.  This would also provide an opportunity for a new weekly challenge to build a workflow that downloads challenges within a specified range, create windows folders for each week, and cleanse the pesky underscores from the front and end of many of the files.

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Visualize Alteryx Ideas


The IDEAS landing page should have a visually appealing dashboard.

Visualization should track each idea over time, it should be filterable with a keyword search based on a Period, an Idea's Title or Tagged Label.


Appealing color code should be able to distinguish individual Idea's Star Rating.


Viz contents/layout can be inspired from the inputs of community users.


Top Ideas should be released as new product features.




So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...

While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.

Hey wanted to see what people's interest would be for a certification around the intelligence suite?

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I often access the Alteryx community on-the-go and find myself using the forums quite a lot on mobile. There have been several instances where I have replied to a post and then needed to edit this afterwards. Without waiting to get to my laptop, I have so far found that the only option I have is to post another reply correcting my original post. Unless I'm missing something, I can't seem to find any functionality to simply 'edit' posts on mobile and from a search of existing posts/ideas, I can't find anything else requesting this. Apologies in advance if I have simply missed something here!





Hi all,


Now that the Gallery has moved into the community - it seems that we have an opportunity to start thinking about how a great community-built macro could become part of the main Alteryx product.


There are dozens of really valuable and useful tools that have been built by the community which would be a valuable additional to the product - like file move tools; directory create tools; plain old SQL tools.    While it's great that these are available in the community / gallery; for large institutions it becomes prohibitive to distribute these because every one needs to be wrapped into a separate installer in order to distribute them to our users.


If these great tools can be included in the main product, then they will be part of the main Alteryx installer, and we can then harness the power of Alteryx to accelerate our users with additional capabilities.






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The 2021 Alteryx INSPIRE conference wrapped up this week. There were lots of inspiring presentations. Along the way I picked up the latest Tips & Tricks document prepared by Stephane Portier. This title has been a regular INSPIRE feature at past conferences and each issue contained a mix of valuable secrets and shortcuts to make the Alteryx experience even better.


This time the title is a little misleading. What Stephane has created is a very complete and organized guide to best practices for developers working with the Alteryx Developer application.


Stephane makes a strong case for developers to take the extra effort and attention needed to create robust, well documented and maintainable workflows that will evolve over time as requirements change and data sources morph.


He has drawn attention to the specific features and approaches that lead to the creation of structured workflows that can be easily understood and audited.  He provides guidance on techniques that work to maximize quality deliverables, yet minimize the effort needed to get there.  It is a gem.


Everyone wanting to do serious work with Alteryx Designer should keep this document handy.


I have attached a copy and encourage you to read it from end to end.


I encourage the editors of the Community to give this document a prominent position on the site. In addition, to encourage best practices across the community,  I can imagine a contest being created where the winners would be those who could best demonstrate following the advice given in this guide.


Within Alteryx Interactive Lessons, there are a variety of types of interactive components. When the videos require the learner to type text before moving forward, the text must be correct, or else the video will not continue playing. The learner can click the "next" button (or the video's next main learning objective from the menu, depending on the video type), but this sometimes skips immediately sequential parts of the video. 


Most of the time, it's easy to figure out the correct text. However, there are a handful of instances where I could not figure out the correct text, even though I'm familiar with how to use Alteryx interactive lessons after 7+ hours of learning. I couldn't tell how much of the lesson I skipped after clicking "next", and these particular videos (App List Box and App File Browse) didn't have transcripts or a submit button with the text entry activity. 


In Alteryx interactive lessons with text entry activities, I would love the option to either:

- click a button to manually override these text entry activities and move on to the very next video segment, or

- click a button to automatically populate the correct answer so the video will continue

This button could have a time delay so that it would only appear after 10 or so seconds of wrong answer, or set to appear after a certain number of attempts. 


For example, from the analytic app List Box lesson, here is the text entry activity.

List Box Lesson Example.png

Deleting all of the auto-populated text but "DFW", "JFK" didn't work for me. I tried different variations of it with spacing (the white instruction text has an additional \s between "DFW" and ,) but ultimately ended up clicking the "next" button and skipping the inaccessible portions of the lesson. I realize the information I missed can be found within documentation or experimentation in Alteryx, but I'm sure there are learners who are not as comfortable with these alternatives yet! The manual override button could go right above the "next" button and would help learners who struggle to find the correct answer for a text entry like this.


Thank you for your consideration! I'm so grateful for the time the Alteryx team has spent creating these lessons, and I look forward to watching more in the future!