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Save Directly to a Collection

When saving a workflow to the Gallery, I would like an option on the Save window to save directly to a collection. This can be an existing collection, or would have the ability to create a new collection. The current process requires you to log into the Gallery after saving the workflow and move it to the appropriate collection.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

@AmandaB13 thanks for posting this great idea!  We'll definitely keep this in mind as we're making enhancements to publishing and sharing in the Gallery and will keep this post up to date.  

7 - Meteor

As part of a team that routinely share workflows with each other, this is a must-have feature to enoble better collaboration!

5 - Atom

+1 vote. It's inefficient to not be able to choose where to save something on saving.

6 - Meteoroid

I am a beginner and I am appalled by how difficult it is to get answers on the platforms provided. I have just spent an hour trying to figure out how to save the workflows I built in the past week to a private collection I created but I cannot figure it out. Are we supposed to be paying for this service separately? Why is there no reference available to end users on how to do this? The more I poke around, the more I get logged out and back in without making any progress.



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Your idea has been accepted by our product team as something we would like to put on the road map. We'll update the status again once we are a closer to the feature being available.

5 - Atom

+1 vote

Having flexibility to select a save location from the Designer is a must. I should have the ability to save to my Private Studio OR a Collection! It's tedious and adds an unnecessary step only being able to save to my Private Studio. 

5 - Atom

New to Alteryx and I assumed I was just missing something. Hard to believe this isn't a feature.