In the example given, there are four scheduled jobs running in the server at the moment and one manual job is being triggered by the user and is in a queued state for more than 30 minutes to start running. However, in MongoDB, when a job is triggered, that time is captured as the start time (not considering the queue time). If we consider the start time of As_Queue in our workflow, we ended up with a mess. Since that manual job is queued for 30 minutes and running for only 3.30 hours, it is being killed by our workflow. It should only be killed after 4 hours.
- How did we determine the total queue time & the execution start time for the running/queued jobs?
- How do I kill this job automatically after four hours while taking queue time into consideration?
- Is there any other way to kill the manual jobs after four hours? Please note that scheduled jobs will be killed automatically by the system after four hours.