Alteryx Server Ideas

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Ability to create sub-collections

Given the security requirements of our company collections need to be created centrally, which is fine for sub-organizations that only require one collection. However, the large sub-orgs require more than 1 collection, ideally we would create the top-level collection and give the sub-org the access to create their own sub-collection within that collection, but not the ability to create collections at the top-level.

8 - Asteroid

My use cases are a bit different than what was originally detailed by @markashman, I think think this is a valuable idea.



Since collections are both used to control permissions and organize content, I (as an admin/developer) like to create collections to group content areas (Sales, Human Resource, Manufacturing Operations, etc.) into collections.  We generally grant access to all subject areas (collections) to all reporting users.


Use cases:

1 - To maintain the organization of the content, yet alter the security, a sub-collection could be contained within the parent collection and be assigned security which is different than the parent

2 - To segregate "supported" content from user created content.  Many times workflows are created by a trusted team of developers and undergo testing before being published to users.  Additionally, citizen developers want to publish content that may not have had as much testing (if any), which you want to keep segregated, so you can let consumers know that area is "use at your own risk".


Take a page from Tableau that has the same concept of projects and sub-projects.  Sub-projects can inherit the parent projects permissions or have completely different permissions.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Yes, this is something that I was asking my Alteryx support team as well. It would be a great addition to the Server by allowing sub-collections. CC @GaneshBo 

8 - Asteroid

please add this feature to the server.

6 - Meteoroid

Aside from any specifics on security and permissions, the ability to organize using folders in both the "Private Studio" and "Collections" would be greatly appreciated.  That said, i'm working off of 2020.3 (organization decision) so if this feature has already been implemented, ignore.

5 - Atom

Please add this feature - very useful to our business needs.


Thank you

Status changed to: Accepted
6 - Meteoroid

Curious (new to this), how long once something is "Accepted" before it's developed and implemented?

  • Is something like this just added to whatever version is existing..
  • or is this something that gets packaged into a future version/release?


Looking forward to this enhancement!

Status changed to: Not Planned
Status changed to: Comments Requested

Hi @markashman, thank you for submitting this idea. Would you need a clear separation of data between each "entity" or "collection" i.e data should be stored as if it was in a different server? or would the type of separation you have right now between collections in the same server suffice?

9 - Comet

Data does not need to be stored as if in a different server, as per current collections if find, just with a referenital link to any parent folder to understand the structure.