Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Hello all,

My goal today was to work on Alteryx Designer Cloud (the "new" one, not Trifacta). I began this path but what a deception ! It's about the Trifacta.

Do I miss something ? We all have understood Alteryx Cloud is your priority but building documentation, tutorials, certifications is not exactly an option if you want to seduce customers and partners.

Best regards,


  • General Suggestion

Hi all!


Right now, we have product focused certifications that showcases one's skills with Alteryx products. But, being proficient in the product itself does not necessarily mean that the certified individual is a good trainer for others to learn. 


Having a trainer certification pathway will be great! It gives trainers access to certain Alteryx training material, and helps provide some credentials to trainers to be "official" and endorsed by Alteryx itself. 


Of course, to attend these Train the Trainer and certification stages, I think it needs to be paid for rather than free to ensure commitment and some degree of investment on part of the applicant. 


These Train the Trainer certifications can be renewed, and based off where the user's regions are. 


Hope this works!



  • General Suggestion

Currently you can filter for all boards for posts with no responses, but you can't apply that to specific boards.


Could this be added? Can help identify those that haven't had any help yet (and similarly those that don't have a solution yet)

  • General Suggestion

I posted on the general sub here:


Thanks @Alayna for requesting that I post it here. 


I will split this Idea into 2 sections:

#1 Learning Paths for ML 

We currently don't have much options when it comes to learning how to utilize ML in itself + how to use the tools in Alteryx.

The standard R Tools like:

Screenshot 2023-07-09 095339.png

These tools don't really have a learning path to them, and they are more towards end users who already know how to utilize them. It would be good if there was training or education material on them with the Alteryx context so that users can pick them up and start using them. 


Currently, the learning paths available for ML are the Intelligence Suite, which is an add-on that Alteryx has. Not everyone has access to the Intelligence Suite, and more people would have access to the standard R Tools upon download. It would be good to have a focus area on them as well, and to make a whole theme around them too.

#2 Certification

Right now, we have the Micro-Certification for Machine Learning (Free):  

Screenshot 2023-07-09 095009.png


and also the Predictive Master Certification (paid):



Connecting to Point #1, there's a big jump from Micro to Expert without anything in between. I think where the Core/Advanced equivalents for ML/Predictive is to touch on the basic areas of the R Tools, and then test on theory as well. 


Alteryx can partner up with institutions dedicated to teaching data science so that they can make this happen. 


I welcome all the community members to chime in on this and add-on to the idea in the comments down below as well.





I've posted here on the General sub:


First off, I would like to thank @simonaubert_bd for his fantastic workflow. He has put together a workflow that scrapes through the Alteryx community profile to gather all the badges one has acquired. 


I've added on to his version by picking out the User ID and User Rank as well for a full view. 


It would be great if this could be packaged into the Alteryx workflow as part of the Alteryx Designer app so that users everywhere can benefit from this. 


The benefits are most profound when you want:

  1. A way to measure your team's Alteryx progress via the Community
  2. Marking it as part of a KPI as part of performance reviews or to serve as justification to maintain license

Of course, there are many more reasons and I am sure that the community will improve on the workflow further to include other items as well. 


A time-series component of when the badges were earned or even user activeness in postings, comments, likes, etc. can also be measured. 


There's a thousand ways to take this, and I think it is worth sharing with the community as an idea!


Thanks all!



Hi all! 


Just had a fun thought over Christmas and didn't find the time to post it. But the general idea is to increase participation in User Groups, and to have more unique flairs to it. 



I think being part of a UG is pretty cool - but having badges that are designed to the UG location would add more flair to it and encourage people to explore UGs too. Tableau does this in a pretty cool way, an example is how they design base on location like for Singapore:



Joining badges helps users to know about UGs and contribute within. Having more activities is fun!



Have UG badges that indicate contributions within as well. For example, being a proactive member by hosting several UGs or events should warrant some form of badge / honor as well. 


I think small pockets can hang out on their own online and have sessions that can help one another. One problem is that UGs are usually dependent on UG Leaders organizing, but if individual users can setup sessions and share their sessions would be good and should be counted too. This helps current UG Leaders find talent and also to plan for succession should a UG Leader wish to step down. 



Having more support from AYX on these programs. I know hosting events and catering is expensive in general. Support from Alteryx in the form of USD 150 per UG setup is already pretty neat. It would be great if we can have more support - some arrangement can be made I'm sure. 


That's all I have for now! Will comment to add more.

Hello all,

The process for updating Ideas status looks like a mess :
-Some ideas are implemented but not updated (I had to PM @JessL who nicely did it). And since the release notes are not complete as well, I wasn't aware one my ideas was released until a friend of mine showed me it works !

-Some ideas (at least several dozens) are Under review or Accepted for several years (more than 4 years)

Ideas status are very important for me, it gives customers an idea of the roadmap. This also helps to know where a release will bring features we need.

So please bring up to date status and maybe more transparency on how you deal wih ideas.

Best regards,


  • General Suggestion

Hello Community !

The idea for this post is to release functionality within the Alteryx community to reinforce the importance of marking posts as resolved once an answer has been provided. Some of the most active community members provide responses to posts numerous times a day, with no succinct ability to identify which responses were accepted as solutions, which in turn leads to many posts with received responses (many with correct responses) but those may not be marked as solutions.


I'd propose creating functionality within the "my recent activity" to filter by solutions where a user has provided a response, but the overall thread has no responses marked as resolved. This would allow community members who are assisting others, to ensure their questions have been answered by giving the ability to easily follow up if needed. By doing this, the idea would be to nudge the community to mark additional responses as resolved to improve the future finding solutions in the future.




As a second recommendation perhaps push notification reminders could also be sent to members of the community posing the questions. If a post has received responses but none have been marked as a solution, perhaps a push notification could be sent to the user prompting them to review the responses. From there, an answer could be marked as accepted, or the submitter of the question could flag that they have not yet received an answer that matches their question. Here I am thinking of functionality similar to facebook marketplace where a seller receives a message like the below after a period of time:







  • General Suggestion

Problem:  We are finding many discussion posts solutions that either are exactly the same as a previous solution on the same question or slightly different and in addition they are being marked as solutions. This doesn't help the community if there is no premium on either expanding significantly on the previous answer or answering completely differently but also correctly. Users are being rewarded on just posting an answer not on posting a thoughtful, useful, and correct answer.


Solution: Stack overflow as an example handles this quite nicely in that they offer many different responses but also with the ability to upvote OR downvote a response. This would radically improve the responses along with the metrics that guide many other programs in play on the community.








I am taking a new position with a different company and therefore will have a new email. I would like to have the access to all of the posts and knowledge accociated with my current postition's e-mail. However, at this point, the only way to associate with a new e-mail is to create a new community account. This means I will lose all the inertia associated with my old account-- what a bummer! 





  • General Suggestion

So - there's a well known principle in psychology that people behave differently when they are asked "do you like A" "do you like B" - vs. when you say "if you can only have one - which will you pick".   


This is an important principle for Agile Product Owners because asking your users "do you support this feature" will essentially provide a popularity score - but tells you nothing about which are the most important features to your user base. Where saying to users "Pick your top 5 from this list, in order" - will give you a VERY different result because now people need to think "Sure I'd like this feature, but if I had to pick, it's not on my top 5".     TLDR: the best way to gauge importance (vs popularity) is asking users to force-rank with constraints.


So the idea is to provide Alteryx users on the Maveryx community the ability to select their top 5 features / ideas that they would like to see.    This can be done programmatically in a very easy way by looking at the ideas that get more than X votes, and then adding them to the list.     


The real benefit of this is that the Product Managers at Alteryx get a very clear sense of the most useful / important features - and perhaps more importantly the Maveryx will say "I made that happen" which creates a real sense of ownership & stickiness in the product among the userbase.


cc: @NicoleJohnson @NicoleJ @JarrodT @SteveA @mbaerend 



This idea isn't my own. If I remembered correctly, it was mentioned by @MarqueeCrew. I hope he will not have anything against me posting it here 😀

In short, we don't have functionality in the community that would allow us to follow specific users. I think we have a couple of stars in the community that share quality content, and it would be amazing to receive a notification if they started a new topic or post a new article.

To my best knowledge, functionality like this should be relatively easy to implement, and it would allow us to learn best practices from those stars that we are following.

I think it would be great to have badge(s) for the interactive lessons. They are a really great tool for people to learn about the tool, so badges could recognize folks who've invested the time to complete it.


Thanks to @gautiergodard for showing me the SparkED Job Board!



I was actually curious about Alteryx freelance roles in general and what practices are in place for people hiring in terms of data security. That prompted me to post on the General forum here.


I was then led to the SparkED Job Board by Gautier, and I will be honest, it was somewhat difficult for me to find the Job Board through self navigation. Once I found it, I am quite disappointed that the Job Board is not very active nor user friendly to both job posters and hunters. 


It is difficult to find Alteryx specific roles, and it is sometimes also difficult to hire for Alteryx specific persons (one problem I am facing at the moment). 


But then it dawned on me. Alteryx is partnered with many companies - some as vendors selling + using Alteryx for their own clients, and some with direct clients. Surely they must be needing some talent - and with Alteryx having a worldwide reach, surely many partners would be interested in utilizing this free source. 


My Ideas

I think it will be useful to split my idea into a few sections so that it can be seen more holistically. 


#1 Change the Name, Function & Location of the Job Board

Right now, the SparkED Job Board's path is through Community -> Learn -> SparkED Education -> Job Board.


Based on some of the postings there, it seems that the need of people posting tends to sway more to hiring people with some years of experience with Alteryx + general Data Engineering and Data Science skills. It would be more beneficial to put it under its own category in the tabs above like so:


Doing so makes it more prominent, easier to find, and could bring more clicks in. 


#2 Change UI/UX of Job Board

The current Job Board looks like this:



Some tweaks to make it more Job post-and-search friendly would be:

  • Changing "Create an article" to "Create a Job Posting".
  • Having a direct "Apply" button that notifies the creator of the Job Posting that the user has applied.
  • A good resume would be the Alteryx Community profile itself. The badges, profile activeness, certifications, ideas, and user ranks are all things that can be used to gauge a profile. It can also include links to your LinkedIn, GitHub, or any page that has your work on it. 
  • The box view currently is hard to see. It would be great if a company name or project name can be seen first + a logo, role name second, location preference, Remote/On-Site, and salary range / project price range is visible in smaller boxes would be more captivating and easier to go through.
  • It is also helpful to categorize the job post as either a full-time, part-time, contractual, project, ad-hoc, or training role.
  • Have a filter function on top that covers the field mentioned in the previous point + a search bar would be great as well!

#3 Posting Rights

Just as how we post Blog articles on Alteryx, it can be moderated by the Alteryx team.


For example, companies do not necessarily have to create an account on the Alteryx community to post. They can reach out to a community member responsible for this page, and they can provide all the necessary details required to post a job. 


The Alteryx team can decide the level of moderation which they wish to apply, and then check it off with the Job Poster to continue. 


#4 Split Job Board into Job Posters and Job Hunters

Of course, it will be helpful if people could post their profiles indicating that they are looking out. This will be slightly different for job posters, but can still be moderated by the Alteryx team. In addition, it would be helpful to have the following features:

  • An icon frame that indicates one is hiring or looking for work as part of the Alteryx Community icon. 
  • An anonymous posting in case some users are not comfortable with sharing on the community itself. 

Outreach by Alteryx

As mentioned, Alteryx has many partners worldwide and I can only see the partnerships increasing as the days go by. I am sure that the companies Alteryx work with are interested in getting more talent.


This can be part of the overall package which Alteryx sells. Not just the software that changes lives, but it also comes with a Community that is helpful AND can find you talent to make those transformations a faster reality! 


The community is buzzing with ACEs, top contributors, etc. It will be great to have this feature as well - another golden point for Alteryx. 



Thank you for reading and considering this idea. I hope this idea is taken up by the Alteryx Community and team - I am a firm believer in this as it can help even more people and makes Alteryx a skill more worthwhile knowing in 2023 and beyond.

Hi there,


In the ideas board, there are many ideas which have been marked as Inactive, indicating that they didn't receive enough support, or that they have been unchanged for over a year.

example: SELECT TOOL: Right Click to Select Fields - Alteryx Community


the challenge with this is that ideas may still be useful, but they have been marked as inactive because lack of change (which may well be because the product team is focussed elsewhere for now)


Now - for ideas stuck in this state - the community has started reposting them, as a way to resurrect the idea when it's useful / important.


In order to reduce noise - could we instead have a way of resurrecting inactive ideas like the one above so that the Product team can include them in their thinking, and the community can vote on them?    It would reduce wasted time on the product community; reduce noise; and also make the community feel that their ideas are valued.


Thank you all



cc: @MarqueeCrew @mceleavey 

It is nice how typing the @ symbol brings up a list of users already on a post that you're replying to. This makes tagging people quick and easy. 


Sometimes the list of users that have replied to a post is greater than the subset sample shown in this dropdown, however. In this case, you can start typing and the results do update, but it seems to return the best match from the Community at large. If I want to tag someone from this particular post I'm replying to, I often have to type out nearly the whole name before it is able to narrow down the search results to the user I want. I would love to be able to start typing just the first two characters of a username and have the list update while prioritizing the users relevant to the post


Just typing @:




After typing pa:




How many letters I had to type out before finally getting the result for the user who actually made the post I'm replying to:




  • General Suggestion

It would be nice if the answers marked as solved were highlighted a little better. Currently, there is a little checkbox next to the start of the answer which can be hard to see when scrolling a longer list of answers. It would be nice if the answer was promoted to the top and also highlighted all in green (or at least a border.) that way it will be apparent when browsing through the chatter. 

After searching something on the Community then scrolling to the bottom of the results, I may want to change the number of results per page with the provided drop down. When I do this, however, the webpage automatically scrolls back to the top of the page. This is inconvenient because then I have to scroll back down to find where I had last stopped so I know where to start skimming results again. It would be great if the additional results could load without moving my webpage around. Thanks!

  • General Suggestion

Non English communities lack of a link to the Gallery.









Please add the link.


Let me start by saying that badges are awesome, and I love being able to see what I've earned and how that compares to others in the Community.


I think it would be fantastic to be able to search for users who have earned a given badge.  Today, you can really only find out if someone has a badge by actively searching for their profile and checking every badge they have.  This can be particularly challenging if I'm interested in seeing, for example, the user accounts of every Alteryx ACE in 2017, or who has earned the Genius badge.

This can also be really helpful if I'm looking for users with a certain level of certification.  I can see by poking around that a few users I know have achieved Alteryx Advanced Certification, but I'd really like to be able to see all 30 people who have the badge as of today.


Overall, I think this would be a really powerful feature that would help improve the Community experience.