Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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I noticed my community content is available for download at the bottom of my personal information page but, after exploring the file a bit, I couldn´t find anything related to when my posts have been published.


Would it be possible to include each record´s timestamp? I believe this info is useful to conduct an user activity analysis.


Thank you!



  • General Suggestion

In user profile, users could add how many hours a week Alteryx has saved them.


Great for marketing!

  • General Suggestion

I am attempting to re-take the Alteryx Designer Core Exam again this morning - yes I attempted last Saturday as I am very determined to achieve Certification!  Could we please have the Time Zone added to the notification?  Hopefully the image I posted below comes thru ok.  I am on ET time and its 10:27am ET 04-18-2020 but the exam time zone must be a different one !



Thanking you !!  I will wait until my Exam becomes available for me again !



Similar to the weekly challenge camping badges that are given based on the number of completed by a member , there should be badges given to members who submit ideas for weekly challenges that in turn get accepted ! I know all of us get some sort of kick out of those badges and this will definitely encourage more members to contribute to the weekly challenge 🙂

  • General Suggestion

Can we have a guide on how to utilize community macros? Under My Settings>Macros there are a lot of slots for different macros, but no explanation of what they are, how to use them, or even when they should (and should not) be used.


When I click My Profile, I can see posts I've starred.  But every time I want to see my bookmarks, I have to think about how to get to the list of my bookmarks.


The current navigation of My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > My Bookmarks

is not very intuitive.


Would it be possible to add my list of bookmarks under My Profile, or at least put Starred Posts and My Bookmarks together somewhere?

  • General Suggestion

Why is there no Label in the Community specific to "Reporting"?

  • General Suggestion
Alteryx Team, When someone attempts for certification exams, results should be sent to registered email ID immediately after completion of exam. Currently the PDF's are not sent automatically and candidate needs to follow up for the same. In case of Pass - A PDF copy of certificate can be sent. In case of failed - Along with the result, areas of improvements can be shared where the candidate need to put more effort when appearing for next time. How many attempts are remaining for current month? This feature will be a useful feature for the candidates appearing for certifications.
  • General Suggestion

Not sure it happens in every browser but here is how it looks on me;





  • General Suggestion

Would love to have more flexibility to filter and/or sort the community discussions. It would be great to filter to just unsolved questions or unanswered questions etc...

  • General Suggestion

Every time I search to see if someone has already made a suggestion for our community, the search returns results from everywhere, and I have to start ticking checkboxes to limit the search. But, even when I do that there's no specific area on the search page for community ideas.


To minimize duplicate suggestions, it could be great if we could more easily search for ideas previously submitted.

  • General Suggestion

It would be great if there were a way to see the all the product ideas I've starred. Right now, if I want to review those ideas I'm going to need to scroll through all of them looking for gold stars. Perhaps some kind of activity log in the user profile could provide us with this information?


When I surf around the community, a quick survey pops up

It does so simultaneously in multiple open pages and even though you complete one the others start popping again...

And I receive the survey nearly everytime I log on... It gets a little annoying...



  • General Suggestion

It may be nice to be able have quicker access to social media for shareing questions, solutions, challenges...

On facebook, twitter with shortcut links to community, instagram with workflow and tool pictures etc...


By the way;

Have you voted in the @kdnuggets Analytics poll? Support @alteryx only tool both in gartner's BI and Analytics MQ



I'd like to have the "Mark All as Read" option in the Knowledge Base like it is in other sections. Not that I could ever read them all, but this is my system for identifying new posts.


I was posting a question today about sorting, but didn't see a label for sort, sorting, or a question label. Not sure what the qualifications are for making the label list, but I suggest that "Question" and "Sort" be added.