Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Wouldn't it be great to have the option to share a bit more information on your user profile page?


I'm talking about:

- Full name

- Profile

- Location

- Who you work for

- Industry

- Links to social media

- Favourite colour

- First pet's name

- You get the idea.......


The first three are the biggies. It's nice to be able to get a sense of who people are, and to share a bit of who you are with others, and the profile page feels like the perfect place to do this (although it goes without saying that none of this should be mandatory).


  • General Suggestion

maybe the monthly update could include counts of newly certified community members in the monthly post? 





  • General Suggestion

With the growing popularity of Alteryx challenges, the new topics gets lots of "noise" as challenge posts are made.  Could we either filter these messages to their own tab (for those interested in the real-time updates of challenge solution posts) or just remove them from notifications?  When you're logged-in to the community, you get lots of these messages.






When I click My Profile, I can see posts I've starred.  But every time I want to see my bookmarks, I have to think about how to get to the list of my bookmarks.


The current navigation of My Settings > Subscriptions & Notifications > My Bookmarks

is not very intuitive.


Would it be possible to add my list of bookmarks under My Profile, or at least put Starred Posts and My Bookmarks together somewhere?

  • General Suggestion

It would be great to see an email with the Top Idea Submissions at the End of the Year sent out to everyone who is registered on the Community to encourage participation going into the next year. 



What feature do You most want added to Alteryx? Vote before January 14th.


We have added over X number of features in 2018 and are looking for your input for 2019 features (see below for some of the top ideas currently on the community):


1. Programmatic Detour

2. Between Operator Function

3. Containers should move other tools when Expanding Collapsing

4. Append YXDBs

5. SQL syntax highlighting


  • General Suggestion

It would be wonderful to have a rich mobile version of the community.


Lithium has an experimental (beta) version out there, and if Alteryx can adopt this we can use the power of the alteryx community to test this and make this bullet proof.


Hopefully this lithium mobile app can be used on any lithium-powered site without re-engineering?


  • General Suggestion

Today, when scrolling through "Hot" Ideas - those with a lot of activity on them, I often come across features which have a status of Duplicate or Not Planned.

Having these in the "Hot" list makes it harder to easily scan ideas and star those that I consider important or valuable.

Pushing these results down in the list would help improve the Idea browsing experience in my opinion!

Currently, there is no consolidated group for Alteryx For Good where individuals can join as members or post a blog or recent visit post. (I understand co-lab is there but it is very different from the ask)


The suggestion is to create a separate tab under - Alter Nation tab of the community portal similar to Women of Analytics.


This will help all the AFG enthusiasts to stay updated about the news and events happening across the world and also take some learnings from each other's visits and implement it in their respective regions.


This will also generate more excitement about Alteryx For Good and eventually trigger more Good to the community!!!

To make it easier to find the latest download for Alteryx... it was easy when it was but then it changed to and I wasted some time trying to find a way to get to it. It could also just be a link under Getting Started or Alteryx Resources, I know it's out there as a link somewhere but more a more visible and prominent option would be nice. Something like my wonderful artist rendition below:




This is similar to some other requests I've posted in the past relating to badges.

When I look at my profile ( I see a series of badges sorted by earned date - so the most recently earned badges are at the top.  This is a helpful listing, but as new badges are earned, some really cool ones float off the page.  For example, my Core Certification badge moved off recently, and the Advanced Certified is on its way off the page!


I'm wondering if a second row could be added of "favorites", with an option for users to "favorite" some badges that they really like.  These may be things like the certifications which speak to a user's qualifications/experience, or something like the "Stars Champion" badge, which only one user has.  I think allowing a curated list like this could add a lot of value to user profiles, and add a sense of customization/personalization, increasing engagement.

I really like the new Community design and I think that splitting discussion by product is a fantastic way to direct users.

I would like one more page, that functions similarly to the designer/server/promote pages, which have links to discussion, knowledge base, and ideas.


Ideally, this page would have a link/button that would bring you to each of the ideas pages for the various products, so eg:

User clicks a "Idea Center" link.


Here there are 5 links:
Community Ideas
Connect Ideas

Designer Ideas

Server Ideas

Promote Ideas


Each of these links is basically identical to the ones that already exist today (maybe the icon changes to be a lightbulb and the image for that particular product?)

That way it is easy to navigate specifically to suggestions, which I think will be helpful for ease of access.

So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...

I think the New Posts feed could be improved by filtering the Challenge question answers out of it. They push out people's actual new comments and questions.

I see I can go month by month but takes quite a bit of time. The weekly challenge index is very helpful and useful :) 


Why is there no Label in the Community specific to "Reporting"?

  • General Suggestion
[Old Dog] + [New Tricks]

Here's a gripe.  I'm used to typing "" (or a shortened version of it) into my address bar when helping others in the community.  Now you get redirected to a landing page for 3 products and have to choose which Alteryx product you are asking for help with.  I've thought of a few alternatives to this including which would bring you to the most recent version of the help page. 


I try to include hyperlinks to help articles when practical.  Hopefully it gives the hope that help can be found in the help documentation (LMGTFY).  To that end, perhaps a button (to help) on community would be useful?




I have had a number of times where I've responded to forum posts only to discover upon posting that someone else has posted an (often better) answer ahead of me, and my answer is now redundant.


It would be nice to have a notification before posting that the thread has changed.

While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.

Not going to bore you with my use case (but if you really want to know, send me a private message), but I think it would be an added bonus to specify which email address you want to use for community subscriptions, even if it's not the email tied to your community profile.

When I've attempted to register for exams, my address is not recognized as valid. It wants a "business" email. But I think that it should definitely accept the email address associated with your community profile and probably just accept anything a user wants, considering that it already also asks for your community profile user ID.


My understanding is that the community email part is already under consideration. Just tossing out an expansion on that idea.