Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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Alteryx has to make a lot of little decisions that have a big impact on users such as...

  • What should the default data type be in the new Formula tool?
  • Where in the menu should Manage Data Connections Be?
  • Should the Comment tool be single or double click before you start typing?

Rather than Alteryx making those decisions, why not let the Community decide! A new polls section would allow the users to ultimately determine the look and feel of certain things in the Designer and make other contributions to the future of Alteryx.


If this is done, please make it a separate section (not a subset under discussions) so the purpose and impact are clear.

The Alteryx community serves many people across many continents.  When a user posts a comment or wants to read a post, there should be an option to "Translate" the post to their preferred language.




Could we add a DATA category so we can share links to different (open source) datasets? For example, it took me a while to find a RELIABLE source for past US election data and other Alteryx users may benefit from it.

2012 federal election results:

or past elections:

or shapefiles containing county polygons with results for 2012/2008:


  • Content

Can we do a separate board for discussions and ideas related to Designer Cloud? There are some differences in how this relates to Designer today even including simple things like connecting to data and uploading data to make it accessible by the workflow which would make it confusing for new users if this is combined with Desktop Designer.


I've seen a few posts in the past couple days, mostly from new Community users, who are finding old posts from 2015 and 2016 and replying to them with "tweaked" versions of the problems solved in these posts.  This is tough for a few reasons:

1) The people on that thread may not frequent the community today, so the question might not get visibility

2) The new poster can't mark any suggestions as a solution

3) This causes notifications to active users from old threads, which may not be appropriate if their issue was already solved.


I think if there was a date after which threads were locked that would help.  To enable ease of use for new users, I think adding a new button "Create Related Thread" to these posts would help new users to post their question quickly.

Clicking this button might inherit the Tags that the old question had, and write the header for the user, and maybe include a link to the old thread for context?

I think this would help a lot with the experience of new users on the Community, and would also give more visibility to these kinds of "modified" requests.


I got a subscription update today for the SANTALYTICS Weekly Challenge, and noticed that the person who responded used spoiler tags, and that the spoiler'ed information was immediately visible in email.

 if I needed any more reasons to love the Summarize tool... of course it has an option to combine images!





At the very least, I think these spoilers should be hidden in the Weekly Challenge thread, but I think hiding spoilers altogether in the emails would be helpful since currently you don't have the option to not "spoil" yourself.

Can we have the ability to search or organize our bookmarks? With so much great content, it's hard to keep similar bookmarks together. Some communities allow you to save articles under different collections, but at the very least, I think it would be useful to search through things you have already bookmarked (eg."Now, where did I read that?).

I wonder if it would be helpful to show/discuss the legal and/or compliance benefits related to alteryx. 

  • Content

I think the New Posts feed could be improved by filtering the Challenge question answers out of it. They push out people's actual new comments and questions.

It would be great to have a forum for users/partners to submit their solutions to each of the weekly challenges (moreso the advanced ones). 


Would be a good way to see how others have approached problems, and create a bit of competition as to who can get the 'slickest' answer!


Kaggle competitions are widely known in academia but not so much in the industry, at least in MENA region...


Mostly college grads, ML practicioners and analytics consultants are attending who frequently code... Instead Community can provide

  1. kaggle tutorials completed on Altery,students and new users can get a grasp of advanced analytics easily...
  2. solutions to old and recent challenges to be solved solely on Alteryx workflows...


To name a few tutorials;


Some recent interesting competitions are;


It may even be a nicer idea if someone publishes a top %1 solution in competitions using Alteryx,

discounts to inspire events or personal licenses may be provided or automatically becoming an ACE for 6 months/a year etc.



The weekly challenges provide such a rich resource for strengthening your Alteryx abilities but for new uses a lot of time is spent merely collecting the older challenges to work on them.  I would suggest creating a page with all of the start files, and a page with all of the solution files so that all of the challenges can be downloaded from a single location.  This would also provide an opportunity for a new weekly challenge to build a workflow that downloads challenges within a specified range, create windows folders for each week, and cleanse the pesky underscores from the front and end of many of the files.

  • Content

So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...

While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.

I am proficient in SQL and new to Alteryx; I see the answer to many of problems quite easily through the SQL language but want to know how to translate much of that to Optimal Alteryx workflows and would if there are alternative approach to the same thing in Alteryx I like to be able choose the path that is most compatible with my Alteryx skill set at the time eg take the path using an Alteryx Tool; a Function, RegEx or other.



- How would perform the equivalent of a GROUP BY and HAVING Clause 

SELECT A, Count(*)

- How would I perform the Teradata SQL equivalent of QUALIFY, RANK, ROWNUM and PARTITION BY

- How would I assign a PRIMARY INDEX upon creation of a table using the Alteryx output without having to create the table myself using SQL on Teradata itself (this is necessary to mitigate unnecessary storage usage resulting from skew)


Visualize Alteryx Ideas


The IDEAS landing page should have a visually appealing dashboard.

Visualization should track each idea over time, it should be filterable with a keyword search based on a Period, an Idea's Title or Tagged Label.


Appealing color code should be able to distinguish individual Idea's Star Rating.


Viz contents/layout can be inspired from the inputs of community users.


Top Ideas should be released as new product features.





Hello Maveryx Community,


Wouldn't it be nice to be able to save your open source projects directly to the community page, as you would when saving a workflow to a gallery? This way we could upload and download our workflows from the community page, and treat it as a repository/portfolio page with Alteryx specific projects. It could be even tailored so that you can preview it, in a form of a html page without download, to see how the workflow looks, without having to download it. Option to mark projects as private or public would be nice too, to filter out who can and who can't see the given project. What do you think about this idea, not needed, or a cool addition?


Best Regards,

Szymon Czuszek


Hello all,

Sadly our community is against attack by spammers. This causes damages to all, since it pollutes the forum. Maybe having a team of volunteer to clean that mess could be helpful?



Best regards,


  • Content

I love the current feature where users can mark something favorite by clicking the "" button at the bottom of a post, blog, article, etc. and the content will show up in the Favorite Posts carousel on their profile. But the Favorite content seem to be limited to content within the Alteryx Community. I'd like to have the ability to add external links (outside the Alteryx Community) to the Favorites board, kind of like the Featured section on LinkedIn where people can put whatever links they want that showcase their skills or links they frequently use and want to share with others. Not sure if anyone else wants this feature or the amount of work needed in the background so just want to post this idea and get feedback. If anyone knows any way to feature content to the profile please let me know! 😀


Problem: I am seeing that sometimes to solve a single topic, a thread of messages start between the OP and some specific user, and in the end, some OP`s can give 5 to 10 (yes, 10) marked as solved answers for this specific user for just one topic/problem. 


I understand this situation as a problem for 2 reasons:


1-It can harm the Community Hygiene. If users start to crack the game and flood topics just to try to get more marked as solved answer point`s per topic, the topics will start to get messy and confusing.


2-This is unfair from the points perspective. Some users that are trying to give concise and correct answers are and will get far less points than the ones that are possibly cracking the game.



Real example of a topic with 10 marked as solved answers for just one user


Solution:  I undestand that if only 1 marked as solved point was accounted for each user that had the answer selected as a correct answer per topic, the incentive for this behaviour would decrease.