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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
Error resolving python plugin for various Connectors when running on the Server/Gallery.
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This article will detail how a Gallery Admin can upload a workflow that includes Interface tools or is an application to the Workflows section of the Admin Gallery.
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This article details the steps and best practices for users who need to run In-DB workflows on the server
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AlteryxService did not create a database after running the System Settings
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When a new version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on the Alteryx License Server (ALS), updates have to be made to the ALS settings.
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Details on password requirements for Gallery.
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This KB provides you with steps on connecting to a User-Managed MongoDB using Robo 3T
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The Run the Worker as a Different User a.k.a “Run As” option in the System Settings allows the Worker to run the Alteryx Engine as a different user.
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Adding a worker node to a Server cluster
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This article details steps on how to migrate from MMAPv1 to the WiredTiger Storage Engine
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Invalid Username or Password with Server workflow credentials
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How to chain workflows together
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Configure a workflow to send an email when a workflow errors on the server or with Desktop Automation.
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An error may be received while viewing the collections page or attempting to upload new workflows in Alteryx Server when Microsoft Cumulative Update for Windows Server when January Rollup Updates are installed.
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Collection owners are unable to be changed when there are users that have been removed from Active Directory.
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This error message is coming directly from MongoDB and while very generic, it is telling us that the driver is unable to handle the data that is being sent to MongoDB.
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Credentials are how we control who has access to what on a computer or a network. Credentials are a way to prevent people from touching data or folders or content they aren’t supposed to. This article goes over the different options for setting credentials on a private gallery. 
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When saving a workflow to the gallery, the following error occurs: Tool ## - Error finding connection "connection_name".
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The Gallery process will start start after upgrade, and the Server does not start.
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This article outlines the general recommendations and checklists before an Alteryx Server Upgrade to help achieve a smoother upgrade
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