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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
The Composer File (pcxml)is a file type that contains a proprietary language used by Alteryx for reporting purposes. What this means for use in the Gallery is that an end user will have the ability to choose among XLSX, PDF, DOCX, ZIP and HTMLfile types for output.
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A few tips to help customer optimize db read and write speed. Please note that this is a gray area in terms of Support.
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When saving a workflow to the gallery, the following error occurs: Tool ## - Error finding connection "connection_name".
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This article shares the defect around using a PDF filename with a hashtag onto the Image Template tool within Alteryx Designer.
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A FATAL connect error occurs when trying to publish a workflow to the Gallery that connects to a PostgreSQL database with Kerberos authentication.
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how to avoid getting "\external\1" when Publishing an Application to the Gallery
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As Alteryx analysts, we’re whipping up insight at blazing fast speeds. Workflow after workflow, tool after tool, we’re gleaming functional understanding from inert webs of data that empower us to make better decisions. Good insight is only as good as it is shareable, however, and to enable better sharing any Alteryx analyst can take advantage of their Workflow Dependencies to simplify input or output path dependencies in shared workflows.
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Oracle connection in the Input Tool is not returning stored procedures from the Pre and Post SQL Statement features
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Error: "failed: CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code=60 msg='SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK'" when running a workflow.
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Error: "[SQLState 08S01] fe_sendauth: no password supplied" when using Amazon Redshift and publishing to the Gallery.
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Error: "SQL1031N The database directory cannot be found on the indicated file system. SQLSTATE=58031" when connecting to DB2 z/OS
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Assets are an important part of your workflows in Alteryx. Assets will need to be included if you want to share, schedule, and publish your workflows to your Gallery. We run into many cases where users are able to run workflows on their Designer but they fail on Scheduler and Gallery. In a lot of cases it is due to the pieces of the workflow are not all there in the Scheduler and Server database. In this article, we will talk about when you need assets, how to package the assets, and what assets you want to make sure are a part of your workflow.   When You Need Assets: When building and using workflows in the Alteryx Designer you don’t need to do anything with your assets as they are a part of your workflow locally, but if you want to move the workflow somewhere or to someone, you will need to package the workflow.   Alteryx Designer: When sharing your workflow with another user, the workflow will need to be packaged with those assets so that the user can run the workflow without error. This would include input files as well as macros. If the workflow is connected to a database or using Alteryx Data, the user will not be able to run the workflow successfully unless they have access to those data sources on their own machine.   Scheduler: If you have Server or Desktop Automation, the Scheduler will be using a database separate from your Designer. If you have Server you will be using a MongoDB and if you have automation you will be using a SQLite database. This would mean that any macros that are not on the server or SQLite database would need to be added. By packaging the workflow and scheduling the package, the Scheduler will be able to access any custom macros or macros not included with Alteryx. This would include Predictive as well unless you have installed the predictive tools to your Server. If you have version 11.0 Server or later, you can send your workflows to your private gallery and schedule them on your server. When you do that, Alteryx will package the workflow the same as if you were sending an app or workflow to the Gallery as below.   Gallery: The Gallery works a little different than packaging a workflow or Scheduled workflow. The difference is that the Assets will need to be on the Alteryx Server along with the workflow for the app, macro, or workflow to be used on the Gallery. Basically, the Save As option to the Gallery of your choice will start the packaging process of your workflow and Assets. The Save As a workflow window will appear with information about your workflow that you are sending to the Server Gallery. Select Workflow Option. Below the Workflow Options you will select Manage workflow Assets. This is where you can include and exclude information being sent to the Gallery.   Packaging the Assets:   Select in the tool bar Options ->Export Workflow. This will then launch a window that will show the name of your workflow, the location where the package will be stored, and the list of workflow assets.      When sending your workflow to the Gallery, you will do a Save As to and the Company’s Gallery. A window will open and you will see Workflow Options at the bottom of the page.   Select Workflow Options You will then reach the Assets window which is similar to the packaged Assets window above.   You also have a second option when sending workflow to the gallery. In the Workflow Configuration window, select the Events tab, Select Add, Run Command. You will see a tab called Assets where you can add assets to the workflow. This is especially helpful when you are adding a chained app to the gallery. Check out Jordan’s article for the step by step: Adding-Files-to-the-Gallery.     What Assets Do I Need:   Great! I found the assets, but why are some missing, some checked, some not checked and which ones do I really need and what don’t I need?   Input/Output Assets You may see that you have Input and Output assets. When you are packaging a workflow to send to a user, you can include those assets if the user does not have those files to run the workflow. If the user does have the files or they are going to update the Input files or Output files, then you would not include them. The Input and Output assets will never include database connections only files.   Macro .yxmc The .yxmc files can be an important part of your workflow. Many of the Alteryx tools are .yxmc files and if these macros are a part of the Designer package, you won’t need to include them in the package as Alteryx knows that these tools will be in the workflow (example Report Header Tool is a macro). If macros are downloaded from the Alteryx Gallery, custom created, or sent from another user, these macros will need to be included as Assets.
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