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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
Is it possible to query the data on the "View Schedules" tab of the scheduler?
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Workflows stay in "Queued" state or in "Running" state for a lot longer than it would normally take for them to run. If the affected workflows were run as part of schedules, subsequent runs will not occur until the previous one is complete, either with errors or successfully. Schedules get set to "Disabled" when Users are only in Active Directory Groups but not when they are added to Gallery individually in versions prior to Server 2020.4.
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Error resolving python plugin for various Connectors when running on the Server/Gallery.
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The Run the Worker as a Different User a.k.a “Run As” option in the System Settings allows the Worker to run the Alteryx Engine as a different user.
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Invalid Username or Password with Server workflow credentials
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How to chain workflows together
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Configure a workflow to send an email when a workflow errors on the server or with Desktop Automation.
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This article outlines the general recommendations and checklists before an Alteryx Server Upgrade to help achieve a smoother upgrade
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Usually, this happens when restarting the AlteryxService after a version upgrade: The scheduled workflows all show as Queued, but none are actually Running. The service logs show the following ERROR message multiple times: 500 Server Error Key fields must be a WString: AS_Schedules__ID
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This article shares the defect on sorting schedules in Alteryx Gallery - which is currently not possible in the "Schedules" page of Alteryx Gallery
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Server/Gallery/Scheduler – Requested Information for expedited case resolution
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Scheduling a workflow, application, or package on your company's Gallery allows you to automate a process at a given frequency, date, and/or time. Because your asset is running on a server machine, it will not matter if your computer is connected to a network, or even turned on. In this article, we will describe how to schedule a workflow on a private Gallery. 
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How To: Server Cases Attach Logs
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If you are getting an error message 'Workflow exceeded maximum runtime of XX seconds and was canceled', you may need to change your system settings to allow a workflow to run longer.
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Schedules stop functioning or error shows when disabling schedule
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The beauty of Alteryx is the ability to make repeatable data processes time and time again. But, if that wasn't good enough, we have the ability automate these workflows through scheduling!
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How to schedule a workflow using Event Run Command
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