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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
Using AlteryxEngineCmd.exe in the After Run event of a workflow to call another workflow returns "error code: 1: The system could not find the environment option that was entered. (203)" if this workflow completes with warnings.
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Logs and files can be hard to find if you’ve never had to deal with them before. This Alteryx Analytic Application will help gather most of the common logs and environmental files Support requests in one fell swoop!
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Sometimes when uploading Apps or Macros the Gallery you may receive an error with a file extension referencing externals_... You may also select the workflow assets and the files are checked, but they are not loading to the gallery.
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Best Practices for Sharing Macros
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how to avoid getting "\external\1" when Publishing an Application to the Gallery
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This article described how to streamline the process of updating macros and utilize them through your Alteryx Workflows
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As Alteryx analysts, we’re whipping up insight at blazing fast speeds. Workflow after workflow, tool after tool, we’re gleaming functional understanding from inert webs of data that empower us to make better decisions. Good insight is only as good as it is shareable, however, and to enable better sharing any Alteryx analyst can take advantage of their Workflow Dependencies to simplify input or output path dependencies in shared workflows.
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Is there a workaround for not being able to use the Folder Browse Tool in the Gallery?
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