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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
In this article, we are going to review how to perform a silent patch upgrade of Alteryx Server using the command-line.
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When a new version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is installed on the Alteryx License Server (ALS), updates have to be made to the ALS settings.
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This article outlines the general recommendations and checklists before an Alteryx Server Upgrade to help achieve a smoother upgrade
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Getting an error when running chained apps from the Server. Custom settings in alteryx.config file are removed upon upgrade.
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Error: "This workflow requires a higher version of Alteryx" when saving a workflow to the Gallery. Is it possible to publish workflows from a newer version of Designer to an older version of Server?
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Upgrading to 2020.1 An unknown error occurred during authentication with your Windows credentials
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