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Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.
In this article, we are going to review how to perform a silent patch upgrade of Alteryx Server using the command-line.
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The new release of Alteryx Server 2020.1.1- 2 has a known which can cause the schema migration to fail resulting in authentication errors when accessing the gallery.
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Application to be run prior to upgrading Server. Checks for common causes of upgrade failures.
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An access denied error is thrown when expanding the results of a manual job run by a different user or a scheduled job that has not been shared with that user through a collection.
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The Gallery process will start start after upgrade, and the Server does not start.
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Best Practices/Recommendations for Atlas when version 4.0 is deprecated.
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The initial release of 2021.4.1 had issues that are outlined here. 2021.4 will be available when those issues have been resolved. If you have already installed this version, please apply the workarounds given in this article, and plan to upgrade to the next build when it is released.
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Steps on how to identify and fix users with duplicate email addresses in MongoDB - Alteryx Server
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Steps on how to find null users that will prevent the Server upgrade from completing correctly.
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This article outlines the issue of missing custom python packages like - Selenium, openpyxl, shareplum, requests_ntlm, etc. after upgrading Alteryx Server/Designer, and the steps to resolve this.
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Upgrade from Alteryx 2019.4.8 to 2021.2.1 and experiencing intermittent connectivity issues between Designer/Server and Azure SQL databases.
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Steps on how to find null subscriptions that will prevent the Server upgrade from completing correctly.
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