Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
For troubleshooting installation issues, it is helpful for Support to know which files were installed.
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While using the OneDrive connector (v2.0.1) and authenticating with the option "Service Principal" you get the error "Failed to authenticate"
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This article includes the steps needed to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the Google account. This is to be used for the Optional OAuth2 Overrides option on the Alteryx Google Sheets connector.
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When accessing the MongoDB that is backing the Alteryx server using the MongoDB Input tool reading in AS_Schedules, AS_Queue, AS_Applications, AS_Results collections for analysis in a workflow, it throws the error "MongoDB Input: cursor id not found: generic server error" for larger collections
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Connector tools that use "Sign in via Internet Browser" do not work correctly with Designer or Server 2021.3.2. To use those tools, you should upgrade to version 2021.3.3 or later and then download and install the tool version that says " Fixed blank screen issue when authenticating in Designer 2021.3.2.54175. Please note that you also need to update to Designer or later.." Alternatively in the short term, you can use version 2021.3.1 of Designer or Server.
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Tools downstream loose field metadata when Google Sheets Input Tool is clicked on, after initial connection and run
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This article will review how to acquire a System Info file to provide Support with more details about your local environment.
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Power Bi Tools table mappings not populating with Incoming Connection tables. The drop down shows no results.
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The AWS Secret key field in Amazon S3 Download and Amazon S3 Upload tools are not displayed fully.
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Cannot save credentials in Azure Data Lake File (ADLS) connector v2.1.0. Error "Please provide an access token" after authentication.
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Querying a Salesforce report using the Salesforce Input tool returns a maximum of 2000 records.
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How to troubleshoot the error no attribute 'populate_token_attributes'
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Salesforce Output tool - red box appears with "Error trying to retrieve access token"
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Troubleshooting error with Publish to Tableau Server tool: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘token’ of undefined
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Steps on how to reinstall a Python-based .yxi tool.
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If the API that you are working with requires you to sign or authenticate your requests, it may utilize an implementation of OAuth 2.0 or another authentication method to show that you have the access needed to consume the web service. There are some key words that you can look for in the API documentation that you are using that will help you quickly choose the appropriate grant flow to use in Alteryx.
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Tab 1 - Basic \n URL : The URL for the resource you are trying to access must come from an upstream tool and is the only field required by Alteryx to configure the Download tool. Based on the API you are trying to pull information from (or send data to), other information will be required such as headers and/or a payload.
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Now you are ready to take your workflow one step further and add some error checking. If something is wrong with your request or something goes wrong on the server, an API will usually return an error message. It is useful to capture this information and clearly display it to the user of the connector. The Message tool will come in handy here. It will help you to troubleshoot the error and actually stop the workflow from processing if you would like.
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Before reviewing this section, we recommend watching our video on Standard Macros. In this section we will explain how to turn your working connector workflow into an Alteryx macro so it can be used as a tool within other workflows. The Interface tools will let you control which parameters and inputs can be entered into the connector macro. Interface tools take user inputs to update other tools inside the macro.
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When connecting with the Sharepoint List Input Tool, you may see the following error:
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