Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Sharepoint Input Tool: Error encountered: There is an error in XML document
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Learn about the new 20.4 changes to Python.
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Latest versions of the Google Sheets and Google Analytics Connectors introduce ability to share a Connection Token across tools helping to stay under refresh token limit
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This article will walk through how to enable to Google Analytics APIs to be used in the Google Analytics Connector with OAuth2 login option
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Connecting to Google Analytics is becoming more and more popular. There are a few things you need in order to use the Google Analytics macro; a Google Account (e.g., Gmail) and authorized access to an existing Google Analytics account. This article will help you get the rest of the way.
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Some Salesforce users do not use Salesforce Security Tokens. An accepted IP range can be set up instead in Salesforce Admin. This article will walk you through the steps to modify the Salesforce Output tool to be able to be used without a Salesforce Security Token.
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Need to download a file from file transfer protocol (FTP) in a Designer workflow?
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The partnership between Alteryx and Tableau is becoming stronger and stronger, and the seamless effortless integration has been made easier through the Publish to Tableau Server Tool. This article demonstrates the use of the Publish to Tableau Server tool, available on the Alteryx Analytics Gallery.
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When using the Salesforce Input tool, you can limit the data to a certain timeframe.Alteryx has the ability to use SOQL date queries so that you pull data for a certain time frame instead of pulling ALL of your data and then having to filter out what you are interested in.
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The improvements in our salesforce connectors have been astronomical over the last year and now it is easier than ever to navigate the UI configuration screen and connect to your Salesforce Data!
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By combining Alteryx and Microsoft Power BI, organizations can streamline and accelerate the process of preparing and analyzing data. This provides a faster way to deliver an end-to-end experience for data access, preparation, analysis, visualization and consumption — delivering deeper business insight faster with a more complete set of data.
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So we’re now downloading all the network-shared documents we want thanks to instructions posted on our Knowledge Base, and we’re on our way to mastering FTP in Alteryx. But what if we want to take it a step further? A lot of our users rely on FTP as a drop zone for datasets that are generated periodically (e.g. weekly, monthly, or quarterly datasets). We should then be able to schedule a workflow to coincide with those updates, automatically select the most recent dataset, crank out all the sweet data blending and analytics we have in our scheduled workflow, and proceed with the rest of our lives, right? Right. We can do just that, and with a little work up front, you can automate your FTP download and analysis to run while you’re enjoying the finer things in life. Here’s how in v10.1:
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This article will guide you through the steps of as an example of uploading a file to FTP
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Want to learn how to connect to Google Sheets?  Start here!
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Through Adobe Analytics the ability to collect and visualize data from your websites has allowed for improved decision making, yet the format of that data can only take you so far. Within Alteryx you now have the ability to connect to Adobe Analytics and bring that data into Alteryx, allowing you to perform greater data manipulation to provide further insights, as well as Predictive & Spatial Analytics! 
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In a previous article, we've shown you how you can upload to FTP using the Download tool. With the release of Alteryx 10.5, the Download tool now supports uploading to SFTP. With this addition, we'll take the opportunity to show you some more examples of uploading data to SFTP/FTP and show you how seamless it can be.
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Web scraping, the process of extracting information (usually tabulated) from websites, is an extremely useful approach to still gather web-hosted data that isn’t supplied via APIs. In many cases, if the data you are looking for is stand-alone or captured completely on one page (no need for dynamic API queries), it is even faster than developing direct API connections to collect.
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As currently designed, the Amazon S3 Download tool only allows one file, or object, to be read in at a time. This article explains how to create a workflow and batch macro that will read in the list of objects in a bucket and allow you to filter for the file(s) you want using wildcards!
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Error connecting to Office 365 using the Sharepoint Input tool - "The sign-in name or password does not match in the Microsoft Account system", when the user tries to connect to Sharepoint from the Alteryx Designer
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How to get rid of annoying "Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored" error during YXI installation
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The is a known defect where the Adobe Analytics tool is not referencing the parent directory where the macro is stored.
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