Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This error may be resolved with anti-virus settings, reinstallation, or if needed, use of the 1.09 version.
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Looking for more premium connector and tool content to better equip your Alteryx platform for success? Check out what our partners have been up to!
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If you observe an error message like Error: Salesforce Input (1) File " ", line 1 os.environ['PATH'] = r"... please read on to learn how to adjust the environment variables to resolve it. This can happen with any one of several Connector tools, not just the tool mentioned in the example.
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Publish hyper file to Tableau Server 2020.2 or Online does not contain Number OF Record field. This might cause the the views/dashboards be broken.
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Querying a date from the Alteryx Server Persistence MongoDB using the MongoDB Input tool can be tricky since Alteryx Server dates are stored as string values. Here is how to use regex in the criteria section of the MongoDB Input tool.
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Troubleshooting the error InboundNamedPipe when writing out a .hyper file from an Output tool or the Publish to Tableau Server tool
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This KB explains how to query views with the Google BigQuery Input Tool
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a guide to effectively use Salesforce Tools
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This error occurs when a transaction limit is exceeded. It can be resolved by configuring bulk uploads on the server or using an iterative macro.
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This error may occur with Desktop Automation schedules. It can be corrected by changing the Alteryx Service log on account.
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Designer requires .NET version 4.7 or newer to use the TLS 1.1 or 1.2 protocols. For workstations with Windows 7, other configurations are also needed.
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The SharePoint List Output tool cannot write to metadata columns. This capability will be added in a future release.
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Sentiment analysis, key phrase extraction, and more.
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Spatial Data from SQL Server shows up as "None", "Null", or other characters in the Input Data tool.
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Not able to clear the connection string history. There is no option or button to clear it.
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Use the Google BigQuery Input tool to query a table from Google BigQuery and read it into Designer...
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How to register and create Dynamics CRM Application on Azure
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How to troubleshoot when the Salesforce Output tool does not appear in the tool palette.\n  
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Web Crawling in Designer
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Error: The attempted operation is prohibited because it exceeds the list view threshold enforced by the administrator
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Ever wish you had an easy way to read in data to Alteryx Designer from your Quickbooks Online account? Well, now there's a tool for that. This article will describe how to make an API call to QuickBooks Online through the QuickBooks Input Tool attached to this article. 
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