Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
How do I remove leading zeros from a field? Use the Formula Tool and the TrimLeft() function to remove leading zeros!
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This article provides the instructions to address "Alteryx is not installed" error when installing Alteryx starter kits.
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Error “The Designer x64 reported: InboundNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has been ended” when both Use AMP Engine and Enable Performance Profiling is enabled in the Workflow Configuration Runtime tab
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This document explains the steps to export HAR files by using Chrome Developer Tools built into Designer to investigate the interface of HTML GUI SDK tools.
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Assisted Modeling tool will cause an exception if a data set is too huge. Anything around 40K is fine.
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Error being returned via the Select Tool functionality for field names with updated case type.
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Running a cell in Jupyter Notebook containing returns "Unable to connect to input data" error. This happens if the workflow is saved in a file path containing an ampersand (&).
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Using Python tool with AMP engine result in the loss of the Jupyter notebook (404 : Not Found), reverting to E1 makes the user code disappear (open a new instance of the Notebook).
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Python tool will not load Jupyter Notebook if the Detour tool is used and the path is diverted to another path where the Python tool is not on by default.
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Installing a package from the Python tool is an important task. In this article, we will review all the possible functionality included with the Python method Alteryx.installPackages().
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If the workflow path contains a "&", Python tool will fail to load. 404: Not Found will be seen.
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When trying to license Alteryx Server on a Windows 8 based computer , the user receives the error "An internet connection is required for activation. Please connect to the internet and try again, or contact customer support. Contact your license administrator for help with licensing. Defect TCPE-196
View full article returns "attempt to seek past the end of the file" on an empty incoming data source
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Adding or overwriting a worksheet in a workbook that contains a pivot table, corrupts the file and an attempt to repair the excel sheet removes the pivot.
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When user tries to input CSV file that has delimiter character encapsulated in quotes (so that it should not be considered a delimiter), connector will not consider the file valid.
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Error: "Windows Security patch prevents the Jet driver from reading .xls files; install the 2010 32-bit Access driver" when loading an Excel .xls file
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The ODBC connection error "Netsuite ODBC Connection Error "[NetSuite][ODBC 64bit driver][OpenAcess SDK SQL Engine]You have entered an invalid e-mail address, password or context (AccountID, RoleID) information" occurs when connecting to NetSuite via a Input Data tool.
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This article is for how to fix the error for registration only loading the c# headers in Designer.
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