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Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This article explains the steps in configuring the Personal Access Token in Tableau Online server, in order to use this in Alteryx Designer for a successful PAT(Personal Access Token) based connection
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One of the great features of the output tool is the option to take the file or table name (or part of it) from a field. It allows you to append a suffix, prepend a prefix, change the entire file name, or the entire file path. It also gives you the option whether to keep the field on output.
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This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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  We get quite a few requests asking how to add the current date to Excel spreadsheet file names. The difference in adding information to your file name in Excel and other output configurations is that you have to use the Reporting tools for Excel to accept the new file name.   Why would I have to use the Reporting tools, you ask? Simply put, Excel thinks that when you are adding a prefix or suffix to the file name that you are stating that additional information is the “Sheet Name” and not appending the file name from the Output Tool. The Render tool in the Reporting tab on your palette basically tricks Excel into thinking that you are creating a separate report and is able to append the date.   In order to add the date to the file name you will connect these tools to your workflow in the order, you see below.      In the Formula Tool, create a new field that is a String type.  Go to the DateTime functions and add the DateTimeToday() expression. No configuration of the expression is necessary.      The Table tool will allow you to Group By this new field. In the GroupBy Configuration, choose the Date field you created in the Formula. In the Per Column Configuration, uncheck the new field. This will allow you to group by the new field name in the Render Tool and still remove it from the data so that your new field does not appear in your report.          Use the Render Tool to output your Excel spreadsheet with today’s date in the file name.   Output Mode - Choose a Specific Output File. Output File - Specify the Excel 2007 Spreadsheet (xlsx) and point to where you would like to save the documents. The file name you specify will be replaced with the date in step 5 below. You will then check the box that says Group Data into Separate Reports. Field to Group on - You will choose your new field that you created. Modify Filename By – Replacing Filename With Group. Report Data – You will choose Table and can leave the rest as defaults.  
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API connections give access to many web-based applications, database systems, or programs by exposing objects or actions to a developer in an abstracted format that can easily be integrated into another program.
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When trying to read data from Hive, the error: "SQLPrepare: [Simba][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis" is thrown in the server while executing a query.
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How to obtain and install the driver and setup ODBC connection DSN connection
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During run time of workflow, the following error is received:
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When trying to create a temporary table for use in the Data Input Tool (connecting to Google BigQuery) the workflow errors out with "Executing PreSQL: CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE... Invalid query: Use of CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE requires a script or session"
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How to format common ODBC DSN-less connection strings
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No Teradata Parallel Transport logs are being created when a workflow, that includes a Teradata Bulk Connection, is executed.
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This article is written to provide an idea to output an excel sheet per data stream within one workflow using a batch macro.
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Error "Failed to decrypt data: Key not valid for use in specified state." when trying to connect to data source
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Corrupted Data when writing V_STRING, V_WSTRING, WSTRING to a CLOB using OCI or when writing V_STRING to a CLOB using ODBC
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Adding or overwriting a worksheet in a workbook that contains a pivot table, corrupts the file and an attempt to repair the excel sheet removes the pivot.
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How to collect Wireshark traces to troubleshoot network-related issues.
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When doing Teradata bulk loader There's no difference between the two output options Append (Ignore Duplicate Rows) and Append (Mark duplicate Rows).
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Connector tools that use "Sign in via Internet Browser" do not work correctly with Designer or Server 2021.3.2. To use those tools, you should upgrade to version 2021.3.3 or later and then download and install the tool version that says " Fixed blank screen issue when authenticating in Designer 2021.3.2.54175. Please note that you also need to update to Designer or later.." Alternatively in the short term, you can use version 2021.3.1 of Designer or Server.
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Nothing happens when clicking on the Save button when manually creating a connection string.
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Error: "internal error in SRC_GetCosmeticName_Raw" when creating new database connections.
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