Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
"I have a bajillion files that I need to bring into my workflow... wayyyyyy too many for me to use individual Input Data tools! What's the best way to do this?"                    - every Alteryx user ever
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This article is part of the CS Macro Development Series. The goal of this series is to communicate tips, tricks, and the thought process that goes into developing good, dynamic macros. In this part, we demonstrate how to read in multiple files with different schemas using a Batch Macro.
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In this article, we demonstrate how to import multiple worksheets from one Excel file, how to import multiple worksheets from multiple Excel files, and how to import a specific range of cells from an Excel sheet.
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A relative path is in relation to the location of the App on the users system. Check out our examples of how and when to use them!
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One of the best things about Alteryx is the ability to read in multiple files very easily and automatically combine them into a single dataset. This becomes a bit trickier when dealing with files that have different schemas or Excel files with multiple tabs. Adding both multiple excel files with multiple tabs, and having the schema change within each tab takes it to another level.
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This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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Error: "You have found a bug. Replicate, then let us know. We shall fix it soon." when pulling data from Snowflake.
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API connections give access to many web-based applications, database systems, or programs by exposing objects or actions to a developer in an abstracted format that can easily be integrated into another program.
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This error is typically thrown when trying to read a file that does not match the selected File Format, but also in rare cases, from a corrupted file.
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When trying to read data from Hive, the error: "SQLPrepare: [Simba][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis" is thrown in the server while executing a query.
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How to obtain and install the driver and setup ODBC connection DSN connection
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This document explains the steps to export HAR files by using Chrome Developer Tools built into Designer to investigate the interface of HTML GUI SDK tools.
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ERROR: "General error; 1033 error while parsing protocol" while connecting to SAP HANA DB using the Input Data Tool in Designer
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How to Edit Environment Variables for Oracle Data Connection
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During run time of workflow, the following error is received:
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This directory was generated by the Alteryx install script, and contains an instance of the Oracle Instant Client. Oracle Instant Client is a collection of installed Oracle Database libraries for connecting Alteryx Designer to local or remote Oracle Databases. There’s no need for tnsnames.ora file.
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When a folder name starts with a period (.), the Input Data tool throws a "Can't find the file" error.
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Error: "Input Data (1117): Internal Error: Invalid parameter detected in function (null). File: (null) Line: 0 Expression: (null)." when pulling data from PostgreSQL
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