Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This article explains the steps in configuring the Personal Access Token in Tableau Online server, in order to use this in Alteryx Designer for a successful PAT(Personal Access Token) based connection
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Engine logs are captures of your Results Window and so much more. They can be profoundly useful for troubleshooting, but you have to know how to enable them and how to use them.
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The SharePoint connector allows you to use Service Principal for downloading and uploading files, but it requires the Sites.All permission, which gives the user access to all the Sites in the tenant. This article describes how to set it up.
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Looking to install additional R packages?  Here's how!
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You just finished making a workflow, now how do you share it so your colleagues can also use it but with their own inputs? Make an Analytic App!
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Platform Product: Designer Issues – Working with Alteryx Customer Support Engineers (CSEs)
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You may already know how to use the MIN() and MAX() functions to find the smallest and largest values in a list. But what if you needed the second smallest number or 3rd largest number in the list? Excel has a function for this. Using the =SMALL function, you would specify the data range followed by 'x' smallest number you want to find.
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This issue appears when an App writes to an Excel document. When the results are displayed and the Excel document opened, it will show as empty. As soon as the Excel document is closed, an Unhandled exception error will display, and the App cannot be closed.
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Troubleshooting the error: XmlParse Error (2): the element Configuration is not properly closed.
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You're working on your gazillionth Formula tool and "Jeff" from Quality Assurance sends you an email that the margin of error for your process has been restandardized. It's not 0.122 anymore but 0.121. Then the horrible reality sets in - you're going to have to go back through all of your formulas and update that one.. stupid.. little.. number.
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Sometimes clients have asked how they can re-input the same excel file that they have just outputted into the same workflow. Normally, their gut instinct would be to open up a new workflow and start fresh with the updated file. However, this can be a bit cumbersome especially if they want to do this multiple times or for those wanting to do some sort of logging process in an app. Luckily, there is a quick and easy trick for this.
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Are you tired of your boring old workflow? Just sitting there in your Designer, slacking off?
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I recently set up an app that got me One Step Closer to Alteryx Nirvana. Check it out!
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A product idea recently introduced the ability to compare workflows using the command line from Windows. I thought it would be good to turn this idea into a more GUI friendly Alteryx Analytic App!
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When setting up manually specified NAME and VALUE parameters in an Alteryx Analytic App there are two options.  When the NAME and VALUE are different, they must be in the format “Name: Value”.  However, if the name and value are the same, you can just type the Name (or Value, they are the same either way).   The Drop Down list would look like this:
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If your Analytic App has a File Browse option, you can limit what file types are shown to the user.  Choose the radio button “Arbitrary File Specification” and enter the file types to be shown. 
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Alteryx users who have purchased the TomTom Alteryx Maps data set have the ability to extract layers into various formats using the Alteryx Street Analytic App. Installs from TomTom 2011 Q3 Alteryx Maps forward, include the Street App within the install.  The App replaces what was previously known as the StreetWare product.  The Alteryx Street App is an extraction tool which allows the user to extract TomTom layers into various file formats such as .tab, .shp, .yxdb to name a few. The App is specific to the data install vintage of TomTom Alteryx Maps Data and is located in the, AlteryxDataProductsAlteryxMapTomTom_US_xxxx_Qx directory.  To run the Street App (TomTom_US_yyyy_Qx.yxwz) you will need to browse to the location above and select it. Under the Geography Selection tab, select the Geographies you would like data for. You may select all, single or multiple Geographies as shown below: Under the Layer Selection tab, you may select the individual layers you would like to install for the Geographies that you selected. The Output Options tab allows you to select the file format you wish to create and the Destination directory you wish to install the data to.  There is also an option to merge the geographies.   One feature of the wizard that was not present in the StreetWare product is the ability to create seamless .tab files.  This feature allows the user the ability to bypass the 2 GB limitation that .tab files have. Please note .shp files also have a 2 GB file size limitation but do not offer the same seamless ability that is incorporate in the extraction of .tab files When .tab file format is selected a folder is created containing the referenced .tab tables, the seamless .tab files are visible below this folder.  As Shown Below:   The seamless .tab files will be opened and viewed in MapInfo as normal.  The individual .tab files that are referenced by the Seamless files can be found in the SeamlessTabFiles folder. We hope our users find that the Street App will be an easy-to-use utility to extract the desired map layers for use in their preferred applications.
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Alteryx Analytic Applications (Apps) let us take a process, parameterize parts of it, and add an interface so that end users don't need to know all of the inner workings of the process in order to make it work for their specific scenario.
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This article will show three scenarios in which the list of selections in the List Box tool can be generated dynamically.
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