Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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This document explains the steps to export HAR files by using Chrome Developer Tools built into Designer to investigate the interface of HTML GUI SDK tools.
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When a folder name starts with a period (.), the Input Data tool throws a "Can't find the file" error.
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Intermittent 404 GoogleAPIError NotFound errors are thrown with the v2.0.1 Google Big Query Output tool.
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This article includes the steps needed to obtain the Client ID and Client Secret from the Google account. This is to be used for the Optional OAuth2 Overrides option on the Alteryx Google Sheets connector.
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Latest versions of the Google Sheets and Google Analytics Connectors introduce ability to share a Connection Token across tools helping to stay under refresh token limit
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This article will walk through how to enable to Google Analytics APIs to be used in the Google Analytics Connector with OAuth2 login option
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Connecting to Google Analytics is becoming more and more popular. There are a few things you need in order to use the Google Analytics macro; a Google Account (e.g., Gmail) and authorized access to an existing Google Analytics account. This article will help you get the rest of the way.
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Want to learn how to connect to Google Sheets?  Start here!
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Looking for more premium connector and tool content to better equip your Alteryx platform for success? Check out what our partners have been up to!
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If you observe an error message like Error: Salesforce Input (1) File " ", line 1 os.environ['PATH'] = r"... please read on to learn how to adjust the environment variables to resolve it. This can happen with any one of several Connector tools, not just the tool mentioned in the example.
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This KB explains how to query views with the Google BigQuery Input Tool
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Use the Google BigQuery Input tool to query a table from Google BigQuery and read it into Designer...
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Error when publishing or running on Gallery a workflow that contains a Google Sheets tool.
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ERROR: "Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly" while installing OneDrive tools in Alteryx Designer
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Leading Zeroes Removed When Writing String Data to Google Sheets   When writing string data to Google Sheets that contain leading zeros, the leading zeros are removed after being written to Google:     Environment   Product - Alteryx Designer All Versions Product - Google Sheets Diagnosis   Google automatically formats values when they are written to a cell. The same behavior occurs when manually entering data into the sheet directly. When looking at the web traffic, one can see that the following is sent to Google from Alteryx:   <batch:operation type="update"/> <id></id> <gs:cell row="4" col="1" inputValue="00004"/>   The correct value "00004" appears as the InputValue. Google then returns the following:   gs:cell [ row=3 col=2 inputValue=4 numericValue=4.0 ]   Google has interpreted "00004" as a number and automatically converted it to "4."   Solution   You can workaround this by placing an apostrophe in front of the value within Alteryx prior to writing the data:     This forces Google to interpret the data as a string and include the leading zeroes. The following is a sample formula that adjusts all rows within a field to include a leading apostrophe:   "'" + [Field1]   Additional Resources   Google Sheets Output Help Documentation
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