Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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When trying to create a new dataset using PowerBi Tool, Designer shows 400 Bad Request error
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Power BI Output tool fails with "Bad request syntax or unsupported method" error if null values are found in an integer data type field.
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The following error appears when configuring your credentials in the Dynamics CRM Tools, Azure Data Lake Tools, OneDrive Tools, or the PowerBI Output tool:
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Connector tools that use "Sign in via Internet Browser" do not work correctly with Designer or Server 2021.3.2. To use those tools, you should upgrade to version 2021.3.3 or later and then download and install the tool version that says " Fixed blank screen issue when authenticating in Designer 2021.3.2.54175. Please note that you also need to update to Designer or later.." Alternatively in the short term, you can use version 2021.3.1 of Designer or Server.
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Power Bi Tools table mappings not populating with Incoming Connection tables. The drop down shows no results.
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How to troubleshoot the error no attribute 'populate_token_attributes'
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Steps on how to reinstall a Python-based .yxi tool.
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By combining Alteryx and Microsoft Power BI, organizations can streamline and accelerate the process of preparing and analyzing data. This provides a faster way to deliver an end-to-end experience for data access, preparation, analysis, visualization and consumption — delivering deeper business insight faster with a more complete set of data.
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How to register and create Dynamics CRM Application on Azure
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When sharepoint lists have date fields, they are off by the UTC current timezone set in sharepoint.
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ERROR: "Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly" while installing OneDrive tools in Alteryx Designer
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