Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Welcome to the addictive world of predictive analytics. We have the perfect platform for you to start exploring your data.
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When installing R you get the error "lib = c:/program files/Alteryx/R-3.6.3/library" is not writable
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This article details on the steps to read/extract password protected excel file in Alteryx Designer using the R code.
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AlteryxRPluginEngine.dll could not be loaded: The specified procedure could not be found
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Data preparation and investigation are a must for successful Predictive Modeling.
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There are three model options in the Logistic Regression Tool; logit, probit, and cloglog. This post discusses which one is the right one for you.
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A broad overview and introduction to what Decision Trees are, and how they work.
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This article describes and explains the outputs of the Decision Tree Tool.
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In statistics, standardization (sometimes called data normalization or feature scaling) refers to the process of rescaling the values of the variables in your data set so they share a common scale. Often performed as a pre-processing step, particularly for cluster analysis, standardization may be important to getting the best result in your analysis depending on your data. 
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A common concern in predictive modeling is whether a model has been overfit. In statistics, overfitting refers to the phenomena when an analytical model corresponds too closely (or exactly) to a specific data set, and therefore may fail when applied to additional data or future observations. One common method that can be used to mitigate overfitting is regularization. Regularization places controls on how large the coefficients of the predictor variables grow.  In Alteryx, the option of implementing regularized regression is available for the Linear Regression and Logistic Regression Tools.
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An overview and broad introduction to random forests, which are implemented by the Forest Model Tool in Alteryx. 
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R is an open-source programming language and software environment, specifically intended for statistical computing and graphics. The Alteryx Predictive Tools install includes an installation of R, along with a set of R Packages used by the Predictive Tools. This article describes how to determine which R packages (and versions) are installed for used with your Alteryx R Tool, as well as a few Alteryx-specific packages on Github. 
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An explanation of stochastic processes, pseudorandom number generators, and their existence in Alteryx.
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Neural Networks are frequently referred to as "black box" predictive models. This is because the actual inner workings of why a Neural Network sorts data the way it does are not explicitly available for interpretation. A wide variety of work has been conducted to make Neural Networks more transparent, ranging from visualization methods to developing a Neural Network model that can “show it’s work”. This article demonstrates how to leverage the NeuralNetTools R package to create a plot of the Neural Network trained by the Alteryx Neural Net tool. 
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Sampling weights, also known as survey weights, are positive values associated with the observations (rows) in your dataset (sample), used to ensure that metrics derived from a data set are representative of the population (the set of observations).
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With the introduction of the Predictive Analytics Starter Kit, you can enhance your analytic skills through an interactive, guided starter kit that teaches core predictive modeling techniques (A/B testing, linear regression, and logistic regression)
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Occasionally, users might have issues when it comes to installing the predictive tools on their machines. The first common error (show below) can occur when first trying to install predictive tools after finishing a 64-bit Alteryx Designer installation.
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If there's a piece of functionality that you're looking for that's lacking in Alteryx but is available in R and you have modest R coding abilities, you can extend Alteryx by creating your own R-based Alteryx tool.
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This post is part of the "Guide to Creating Your Own R-Based Macro" series.
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This post is part of the "Guide to Creating Your Own R-Based Macro" series.
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