Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When using Auto Insights uploader v1.4 for Designer 2021.4, DCM needs to be enabled. And SDK Access Mode must be Allow instead of AllowAll
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Guide on configuring and capturing a Fiddler trace for Troubleshooting issues.
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This article explains the steps in configuring the Personal Access Token in Tableau Online server, in order to use this in Alteryx Designer for a successful PAT(Personal Access Token) based connection
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One of the greatest strengths of modern web APIs is their flexible, developer-friendly nature, which provides numerous options for both the provider and the user. However, this flexibility can make it more intimidating for business users to deal with the various data formats that these APIs provide. The purpose of this article is to familiarize you with the main data formats used by the vast majority of web APIs, and provide the basic knowledge that will allow you to confidently process the data they return into a typical tabular format.
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When using the download tool with an SFTP or HTTPS connection, you may receive the error - Error transferring data: failed initialization. This often occurs when Designer can't agree on a cipher suite to communicate with the host server.
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This article discussed about the Alteryx Connectors deprecation, for initial set of connectors, and clarifies the questions around the Connectors deprecation.
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How to check the current Salesforce API version of the Salesforce Input Tool being utilized.
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Installing a Python-based YXI Connector tool in a proxy server or restricted network environment can be challenging. This is because the install process reaches out through the network to download Python packages and fails.
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API connections give access to many web-based applications, database systems, or programs by exposing objects or actions to a developer in an abstracted format that can easily be integrated into another program.
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How to obtain and install the driver and setup ODBC connection DSN connection
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This document explains the steps to export HAR files by using Chrome Developer Tools built into Designer to investigate the interface of HTML GUI SDK tools.
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ERROR: "General error; 1033 error while parsing protocol" while connecting to SAP HANA DB using the Input Data Tool in Designer
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A basic troubleshooting for authentication errors for AWS S3 Upload/Download tools
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How to check which version of a Connector tool is used in a workflow
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The custom tool or tool that uses Python SDK throws out an error is there is any error on the workflow canvas.
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When a workflow writes a large data set to Tableau Server, it may throw an error halfway through because the Tableau Server credentials token expired.
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The SharePoint connector allows you to use Service Principal for downloading and uploading files, but it requires the Sites.All permission, which gives the user access to all the Sites in the tenant. This article describes how to set it up.
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When using a Python-based connector (e.g. Salesforce Input, Azure Data Lake File Input), an error message referring to CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED appears. With the new releases of the connectors tools there are three additional errors that can happen and can be resolved with these steps.
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When trying to create a new dataset using PowerBi Tool, Designer shows 400 Bad Request error
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Information to know about connectors not connecting when a endpoint has Zscaler installed.
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Product defect pertaining to the SharePoint Files Input Tool and reading XLSX files.
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