Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
PostgreSQL bulk load connection - doesn't insert records when loading to a table that has additional columns beyond those in the input stream
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How To: Use Process Monitor for troubleshooting
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A guide for Alteryx Mac users!
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  We get quite a few requests asking how to add the current date to Excel spreadsheet file names. The difference in adding information to your file name in Excel and other output configurations is that you have to use the Reporting tools for Excel to accept the new file name.   Why would I have to use the Reporting tools, you ask? Simply put, Excel thinks that when you are adding a prefix or suffix to the file name that you are stating that additional information is the “Sheet Name” and not appending the file name from the Output Tool. The Render tool in the Reporting tab on your palette basically tricks Excel into thinking that you are creating a separate report and is able to append the date.   In order to add the date to the file name you will connect these tools to your workflow in the order, you see below.      In the Formula Tool, create a new field that is a String type.  Go to the DateTime functions and add the DateTimeToday() expression. No configuration of the expression is necessary.      The Table tool will allow you to Group By this new field. In the GroupBy Configuration, choose the Date field you created in the Formula. In the Per Column Configuration, uncheck the new field. This will allow you to group by the new field name in the Render Tool and still remove it from the data so that your new field does not appear in your report.          Use the Render Tool to output your Excel spreadsheet with today’s date in the file name.   Output Mode - Choose a Specific Output File. Output File - Specify the Excel 2007 Spreadsheet (xlsx) and point to where you would like to save the documents. The file name you specify will be replaced with the date in step 5 below. You will then check the box that says Group Data into Separate Reports. Field to Group on - You will choose your new field that you created. Modify Filename By – Replacing Filename With Group. Report Data – You will choose Table and can leave the rest as defaults.  
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When connected to an Oracle database, the Visual Query Builder will freeze, or Designer occasionally crashes, when trying to select a method of aggregation for a selected column
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Dynamic Input threw error: ParseError: Invalid document structure at line 1 and column 1 while processing "AliasFileXml" on the workflow with "Root element is missing." in a popup. Upon clicking OK, a different pop-up comes up saying "Internal error in SRC_GetCosmeticName_Raw"
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Alteryx does a great job of simplifying our business processes, eliminating the need to maintain, document, and use Excel Macros. However, for that one workbook with 100’s (or even 1000’s) of lines of VBA code + months of development behind it, we have a simple way to integrate that Excel Macro within your workflow. This can greatly ease the transition from Excel to Alteryx and save you rework or buy you time to convert the process.
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Installing a Python-based YXI Connector tool in a proxy server or restricted network environment can be challenging. This is because the install process reaches out through the network to download Python packages and fails.
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API connections give access to many web-based applications, database systems, or programs by exposing objects or actions to a developer in an abstracted format that can easily be integrated into another program.
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How to enable ServerOS on your Designer License Key.
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A list of cURL commands that can be used to help troubleshoot errors when connecting to HDFS
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Upgrading to numpy 1.24.0 onwards causes method to fail with "AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'"
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This error is typically thrown when trying to read a file that does not match the selected File Format, but also in rare cases, from a corrupted file.
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When trying to read data from Hive, the error: "SQLPrepare: [Simba][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis" is thrown in the server while executing a query.
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Steps for when Alteryx Designer needs to be completely removed from a machine.
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How to obtain and install the driver and setup ODBC connection DSN connection
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Error “The Designer x64 reported: InboundNamedPipe GetOverlappedResult: The pipe has been ended” when both Use AMP Engine and Enable Performance Profiling is enabled in the Workflow Configuration Runtime tab
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