Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
Instructions for installing Python packages for Alteryx Designer in the command line
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Installing a Python-based YXI Connector tool in a proxy server or restricted network environment can be challenging. This is because the install process reaches out through the network to download Python packages and fails.
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Upgrading to numpy 1.24.0 onwards causes method to fail with "AttributeError: module 'numpy' has no attribute 'bool'"
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The custom tool or tool that uses Python SDK throws out an error is there is any error on the workflow canvas.
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Alteryx.write() returns "XmlParse Error: the attribute "type" is missing“ if there is a double-quote in the column name and the double quote is followed by a space and more characters.
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When your Python libraries don't work the way they should in Python tool, restoring the tool to it's original state could be the solution. This article walks through how to restore Python libraries and the virtual environment associated with the Python tool.
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The article provides troubleshooting steps when "404 not found" error is encountered in Python tool.
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Information to know about connectors not connecting when a endpoint has Zscaler installed.
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Running a cell in Jupyter Notebook containing returns "Unable to connect to input data" error. This happens if the workflow is saved in a file path containing an ampersand (&).
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A workflow app (.yxwz) containing a Python tool creates the temp folder for the tool in the workflow location instead of the default/global temp directory.
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Running workflow containing Jupyter Flow tool in Gallery fails if the server machine is not in a domain.
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Using Python tool with AMP engine result in the loss of the Jupyter notebook (404 : Not Found), reverting to E1 makes the user code disappear (open a new instance of the Notebook).
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"Error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required" when installing Python library 'pandas-dedupe' in the Jupyter Notebook interface
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Python tool will not load Jupyter Notebook if the Detour tool is used and the path is diverted to another path where the Python tool is not on by default.
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Installing a package from the Python tool is an important task. In this article, we will review all the possible functionality included with the Python method Alteryx.installPackages().
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If the workflow path contains a "&", Python tool will fail to load. 404: Not Found will be seen.
View full article returns "attempt to seek past the end of the file" on an empty incoming data source
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When using a python tool with pandas package, xlrd is unable to read .xlsx files, only .xls.
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The code changes made in the Python tool will be lost after running the workflow immediately.
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