Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
An explanation of stochastic processes, pseudorandom number generators, and their existence in Alteryx.
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Sometimes, we don’t rely on an entire dataset to create an optimized solution. Sometimes, it can be as simple as solving a basic question. Consider the following problem that uses the optimization tool:
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  With the release of 10.6 came awesome new features, and an upgrade in the underlying R version (from 3.1.3 code named "Smooth Sidewalk," to 3.2.3 code named "Wooden Christmas-Tree").  Using the incompatible R version will cause errors in your R macros.     Simply make sure that your Predictive Tools download is the version compatible with your Alteryx Designer version:     Users on 10.5 should continue to use the R3.1.3 version.   When using Alteryx and Microsoft Revolution R Enterprise, a separate predictive tools install is required (in green). For details, see the Alteryx and Revolution Analytics Integration Guide.   And remember to use the non-Admin Predictive version with non-Admin versions of Alteryx Designer.   To install Predictive Tools for Alteryx 10.0, go to Previous Releases. For Alteryx 9.5, within Designer, go to Help > Install Predictive Tools.    Happy Alteryx-ing!
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Check out the Predictive District on the Gallery. There are great macros, apps, and sample workflows to demonstrate some nifty new tools.
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Troubleshooting the Error: The R.exe exit code (n) indicated an error
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