Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When sharepoint lists have date fields, they are off by the UTC current timezone set in sharepoint.
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Error when publishing or running on Gallery a workflow that contains a Google Sheets tool.
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Error: 400 Bad Request - Salesforce Output tool
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ERROR: "Could not build wheels for cryptography which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly" while installing OneDrive tools in Alteryx Designer
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In some cases a customer using the Publish to Tableau Server macro encounters the error message "Failed to start a new Hyper instance". The only currently working solution for this is to perform a nuclear uninstall and then reinstall of Alteryx Designer.
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How to connect to SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) and extract data in Alteryx Designer.
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Error: "An Item with the Same Key has already been added" with Sharepoint List Input Tool
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All the In-DB connections in Alteryx Designer are lost. Where are these settings stored?
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Error: "Oracle driver: You are not licensed to use this DataDirect Technologies product" when connecting to Oracle in Designer.
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Cannot update passwords in the Input Data or the Output Data tool.
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Leading Zeroes Removed When Writing String Data to Google Sheets   When writing string data to Google Sheets that contain leading zeros, the leading zeros are removed after being written to Google:     Environment   Product - Alteryx Designer All Versions Product - Google Sheets Diagnosis   Google automatically formats values when they are written to a cell. The same behavior occurs when manually entering data into the sheet directly. When looking at the web traffic, one can see that the following is sent to Google from Alteryx:   <batch:operation type="update"/> <id></id> <gs:cell row="4" col="1" inputValue="00004"/>   The correct value "00004" appears as the InputValue. Google then returns the following:   gs:cell [ row=3 col=2 inputValue=4 numericValue=4.0 ]   Google has interpreted "00004" as a number and automatically converted it to "4."   Solution   You can workaround this by placing an apostrophe in front of the value within Alteryx prior to writing the data:     This forces Google to interpret the data as a string and include the leading zeroes. The following is a sample formula that adjusts all rows within a field to include a leading apostrophe:   "'" + [Field1]   Additional Resources   Google Sheets Output Help Documentation
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Issue   When using the Salesforce Input tool, the following error is seen at run-time:   400: Bad Request     This may only occur on some tables It fails almost immediately after the workflow starts running. It may also been seen on the Salesforce Credentials screen along with the error: invalid_grant: authentication failure     Environment   Alteryx Designer Version 2018.3+ Salesforce Input tool Version 4.0 or 4.1   Diagnosis   Confirm where you are seeing the error. If it is on the Salesforce Credentials configuration page when you click Connect, and you see "invalid_grant", please see Solution B.   Otherwise, validate the query to get a more verbose error log.   1. Use the Query Builder option (this is the default option) and select the Table and Output Fields you want to read in. 2. Change to the Custom Query option and click the Validate button:   3. If you receive the error: "OPERATION_TOO_LARGE: exceeded 100000 distinct ids", see Solution A.     Solution A   The data you are attempting to pull is too large to be returned in one call based on the Salesforce API limits used by the Salesforce Input Tool. Limit the number of results returned by modifying the WHERE Clause (SOQL) in the tool's configuration:     Please see the Additional Resources section below for a guide on SOQL (Salesforce Object Query Language). Here are some suggestions:   Try limiting date fields by relative dates : CreatedDate = THIS_YEAR Try limiting a string field to a certain value: Name='SFDC Computing' You can also combine conditions with logical operators like AND & OR: Name='SFDC Computing' AND NumberOfEmployees>25 For more advanced comparisons, you can perform fuzzy matches by using the LIKE operator. For example, you can retrieve all accounts whose names start with SFDC by using this condition:  WHERE Name LIKE 'SFDC%' - The % wildcard character matches any or no character. The _ character in contrast can be used to match just one character.     Solution B   The credentials are incorrect. Please confirm your Username, Password, and Token are correct.     Additional Resources   Salesforce Knowledge Base - Write SOQL Queries Salesforce Knowledge Base - Reset Your Security Token
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