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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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At the moment containers either expand and overlap other tools, or you have to leave space for them (defeating the original purpose of using them). Is there a way we can have the containers expansion shift the workflow so the others tools shift down / right to account for this expanision?

I'd like to see Alteryx allow a second install of your license on a second, personal machine.  Tableau allows this and IMO is why there is such a robust online / blog community around that product.


For those of us that work at mid-size to large organizations, there are often strict rules governing internal data and use of cloud-based data sources.  If I discover some new trick I'd like the share with my fellow Alteryx analysts outside of my company, I have no clear way to do that the same way I can with Tableau where I can do it at home not using my company's data.


Being able to learn new features and test things out on commonly available public data (ever notice that Superstore data set everyone who gets Tableau has?) would accelerate what we're able to do with the community site here and the larger analytics blogging community.



I have many use cases that involve one or more of the following:
  • moving or renaming a file after importing it
  • deleting a file after importing it
  • moving or copying a file after successfully exporting it
  • writing a temporary file (i.e. batch file for RunCommand tool), then deleting it when finished
A complete suite of file management tools (Copy, Delete, Move/Rename) would make this much easier.

The capability to input/output R Datasets via the input/output tools, together with all the other data formats as well (like csv, Excel, SAS, SPSS, etc).

I would like to see the same functionalitly that the Output Tool has in the Render tool.  In the Output Tool, you can specify the Excel Worksheet along with the Sheet Name that you want to output too.  Meaning Same Worksheet, different tab:

     C:Output FilesExample_Worksheet.xlsx|Report_1
     C:Output FilesExample_Worksheet.xlsx|Report_2

This functionality is not currently available in the Render Tool and would be very useful and cut out some manual operations on the back end that requires us to copy/paste from one file to another.

I tried using the Section Break technique that was offered as a suggestion, but it did not perform what I needed.

Within the mapping tool, please add an alignment option (left/center/right) within the label options (when wrapping).

On the “Multi-Field Formula” tool, the default is to “copy output fields and Add….”  I think the default should NOT copy. I’m using this tool to trim all of the blank spaces, and change the case in text fields. I often forget to uncheck it and end up with all these additional fields at the end. With regard to the tool container, I think the default margin should be small. I build huge workflows, and putting each section in a tool container. I have to go in and change each one to small margins to condense the workspace. Perhaps in the user settings, under document, there could be a default margin option, just as there is a container color option.
It would be great if we could select default settings for containers, so that when they are added they could be automatically set to narrow margins and gray background (or whatever). (PS I'm going to add another idea regarding idea categories, because "tools" and "designer" aren't available categories, but that seems like the best place for this idea).

Add an option to cancel an occurrence currently queued to run without it removing, or completing, the original schedule. Not sure if this is by design or a bug but when you cancel a workflow that's in queue, it sets the scheduled workflow to "Completed" even though you just wanted to stop that occurrence and still keep the workflow schedule “Active”.

Also, adding an option to PAUSE a scheduled module. This is useful when you need to temporarily suspend a workflow from running, but save the hassle of re-configuring the schedule when you want to turn it back on.

Would be nice to have a place where general use macros or packages could be published by the community and then used within the designer.

Thinking of something along the lines of the NuGet package manager:


I have had a number of requests for Alteryx to provide XML as an output format. It would be great to have configuration settings to allow for just text based output:
<Row ID="18606" Order_Priority="Not Specified" Discount="0.01" Unit_Price="2.88" Shipping_Cost="0.5"/>

As well as well formatted output, like this:

Have a feature in Alteryx that automatically and dynamically creates documentation or a SOP standard operating procedure. I imagine the flow and connectivity of each process  would cause it to be easy enough to translate from a visual display into a written form. This would be extremely helpful to workflows that touch and handle data that has to be accounted for, whether that be through an audit or any other forms of IT controls.

90% of the time when dragging in an input tool I need to drag in a select tool to pick only the fields that you want.  Best practice suggests this should be 100% of the time for efficiency.  Embeding this functionality within the input tool itself would save a step.

Similar to how the Tool Container Defaults can be set on the Document tab of User Settings, it would be nice to be able to set the Comment box defaults here as well. I find that I change the Colour & Size every time I add a comment, and would appreciate if this could just be set as a default.

This is something small and silly, but having a comma in the number of records shown on the output window would be very helpful!

It would be great if we could output the coefficients of regression equation to a table so that one can use them in rest of the module. Currently, Alteryx can output the table/coefficients in charts/reports form which is not re-usable as such in the module. 
The values of coefficients/Residuals/Errors would be very useful in building macros for techniques like Missing Value Analysis which can't be done in Alteryx as of now.

I would like to use the precreate statement as part of a app. That means if a user selects ID '12345' from an interface tool, I would like to delete recs in SQL server with that same ID through the pre create statement, then afterwards I would append new records with the same ID.
What I really miss is having the ability to send one Name & Value to an interface tool like label or readonly textbox.Then I could use Label/Textbox->Action->Output and change the precreate statement that way. 
I tried the formula way but SQL think I am running a stored procedure.
It looks like I need to use a listbox or dropdown tool and do it that way but that means I am cluttering my app with unnecessary tools. 
Could you give interface tools a 'hide' property or allow a field to be passed to the pre-Create SQL statement?
Unless there's another way to do all this? 

With a module that contains a lot of tool containers, it would be nice to have an option (similar to Disable All Tool That Write Output in the RunTime TAB) to disable all Tool Containers and then I can go pick the one or two that I would like to enable.

Can you add the Data Output along with the Report Output on the Association Analysis tool.  

We needed to manually change this on our end but it would be nice if in 9.5 this easy upgrade was done already...

I have a big need to input files created in a .sqlite format and also write out to files as .sqlite that contain spatial object fields.  Currently they are not recognized as spatial objects.  BlobConvert is not able to convert the spatial fields from the input correctly (it gets close) so the result is that we are unable to utilize any spatial fields from or to these files.

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