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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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While I was trying to integrate Alteryx workflows into modern data catalogues got me thinking about the transformation lineage. To integrate the transformations into those applications, an understanding of what transformations are happening and in what order is needed. Why not take this one step further for documentation use?


So my suggestion is:

Create a natural language description of the transformations and sequencing of a workflow. This could be used as the default descriptions and exported as a readme file for reviewing (e.g. during workflow handover activities), adding workflows to version control or project plans. 

Hi, I was using the Image Template tool and I noticed that the icons for import and export are switched.




Lack of tools in Alteryx to extract data from True PDF. The current set of tools (Computer Vision) only allow us to extract data from images which is not ideal for True PDF documents in terms of accuracy.


As of today, only English is available. But it's hard to convince French Customers with french language data to buy the AIS if it cannot work with their data.

Best regards,


When using the text mining tools, I have found that the behaviour of using a template only applies to documents with the same page number.


So in my use case I've got a PDF file with 100+ claim statements which are all laid out the same (one page per statement). When setting up the template I used one page to set the annotations, and then input this into the T anchor of the Image to Text tool. Into the D anchor of this tool is my PDF document with 100+ pages. However when examining the output I only get results for page 1.


On examining the JSON for the template I can see that there is reference to the template page number:



And playing around with a generate rows tool and formula to replace the page number with pages 1 - 100 in the JSON doesn't work. I then discovered that if I change the page number on the image input side then I get the desired results. 



However an improvement to the tool, as I suspect this is a common use case for the image to text tool, is to add an option in the configuration of the image to text tool to apply the same template to all pages.








Currently only VADER algorithm is available however other algorithms might be interesting alternative. By other algorithms I mean: TextBlob, Flair and Custom option.





With the new intelligence suite there is a much higher use of blob files and we would like to be able to input them as a regular input instead of having to use non- standard tools like Image, report text or a combination of directory/blob or input/download to pull in images, etc. I would like to see the standard input tool capable of bringing in blob files as well.

Blob InputBlob InputImage InputImage InputText InputText Input

Please remove all stopwords that help to identify the sentiment of a text. E.g. words like 'no' and 'not' are currently removed when you enable the 'remove stopwords' options. Here is an example:






People will probably use the option to remove stopwords without even thinking about issues like this and might remove relevant information from texts and then do a Sentiment Analysis afterwards and wonder why the results are bad.


Dear Alteryx, please find a better stopword list or remove some words from the list.

Currently when using the DateTime and Text Pre-processing tool (I'm sure there are a few others), the default option is to have a new column as the output. For instance with DateTime:


There is no option to replace original field, simply create a new field. Setting the name as the same, will result in:



and with the Text-Preprocessing:
There is no option to specify an output column. The column you process, will become [field]_processed:





It would be awesome if both of these tools had functionality similar to the Multi-Row formula, with the ability to create a new field, or update existing field:



This would reduce data redundancy and need for additional select tools. Additionally with the Text Pre-Processing tool specifically, its very easy to make the mistake of not using the 'processed' field in future text based analysis, especially when the pre-processing tool is inserted into an already built connection.


I have a PDF of 27 pages and each page is identical.  The headers, footers and data are static in positioning on each page. It would be great if I could define the text to parse out on the first page, then that could be used to parse out all of the pages in the PDF.  It would make the tool far more useful.

In the new Intelligence Suite tools, it would be extremely useful to have the option to add n-gram (combining words/tokens ) in the Topic Modeling Text Mining Tool. 


This is important in many NLP topic modeling scenarios.

It would provide more flexibility to build better NLP models.


For details on n-gram



Since the release of Alteryx Intelligence Suite (AIS) with Designer 2020.2 there have been loads of great new features added to the text mining and computer vision tool palettes. However, as I currently understand it the only way to get these feature enhancements is to also upgrade Designer as well. For example if you are running 2020.2 but want to now access the table detection feature that was released as part of 2021.3 you need to also move to Designer 2021.3.


Where organisations may only push installs of Designer every 6 - 12 months to their users, it would be great if there was a way in which AIS could be upgraded at a different cadence, either by removing the reliance on keeping in step with Designer (I appreciate this may not be possible when python dependencies depend on a particular version of python), or by making new/updates to AIS tools available on Alteryx Gallery (like what occurs with data connectors).



Hello all,

Here is a very, very simple idea :

just having the right to put a minimum length to Text Pre-processing
Why ? A lot of words (especially in French) with 1 or 2 characters does not change the meaning, the sentiment: la, le, à, un, une, etc... In English : in, the, etc..


Best regards,



I recently had a use-case that needed me to start using the text mining tools for a reporting based workflow, and i had pretty good success. However, my workflow does not always have data being brought through it, and when 0 results are supplied to a Text Pre-processing tool, it produces a bug and log file. I imagine this is a small fix, just a weird one to run into.

Steps to replicate:
1- Add a text input tool with some dummy text values as part of a field



2- Add a text pre-processing tool to the workflow, and configure it to use this field and English.



3- add a filter tool, prior to the text pre-processing tool, to filter out any valid results



4- Run the workflow



As the data cleansing tool does not behave similar, I fully believe this to be an unintended outcome.



i think that for fin companies it would be very helpful to have an algorithm to analyse sentiment on various topic in articles, tweets, linktin, FB, etc. It could be helpful e.g. to understand what market think about some reg developments, projects and hot topics. Most importantly that fin companies normally deal with very spacial types of text, which are industry specific hence VADER algorithm broadly used for tweets does not really perform great on fin data. I would suggest to add FinBERT model (and BERT model as such) which are top of the pops in AI (BERT is used in goolge search engine). The pre-trained models are freely accessible. it would be very helpful if the range of model would be extended to FinBERT, for banks, FS teams, asset managers, BERT for general use, MedBERT for pharma.  

Currently, the Sentiment analysis tool will score textual data by use of a Compound_Sentiment_Score, which is effectively a score from -1(negative) to 1(positive). 


The tool is great, in that it has a built-in classification function so that we can say that anything under -0.5 we want to label as negative, and anything over 0.5 we want to label as positive.


However currently, the defaults are set to:


Which effectively creates a negative-weighted classification, as anything from -1 to -0.1 are classified as negative. -1 to 0.5 are labelled as neutral, and 0.5 to 1 are labelled as positive.


My suggestion would be to change the default max negative classification to 0.5, to level the weighting of the tools scoring.




Instead or in addition to be able to manually enter additional stop words, it would be great if you could have an optional input connection where you could point to a file with additional stop words in it.  Very manual to type the additional stop words in...

Hello all,


As Intelligence Suite is a great expansion in Alteryx Designer, it would be great to expand the data types in the "Text Mining" and "Computer Vision" ribbon. The "Image Template" accepts only "strings" data types and specific Languages. It would be great to be added more data types, Language and ISO-Codes. 


As of today, we can configure the language for all rows but it doesn't work when I have several languages in my data :



I woud like to take a field so that I can specify the language. The ideal would be a two-time configuration : globally in one language but I can overwrite that by choosing a field containing the language.

Best regards,



Hi Team,


Context - I have bunch of documents/pdf or word document. The management would like to get the summarized view of the document / paragraph . Is it possible to develop some App which can take the document/ paragraph and summarize it in a line or two.


Please let me know,




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