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Enhancements to Multi-Field Formula tool and Tool Container

On the “Multi-Field Formula” tool, the default is to “copy output fields and Add….”  I think the default should NOT copy. I’m using this tool to trim all of the blank spaces, and change the case in text fields. I often forget to uncheck it and end up with all these additional fields at the end. With regard to the tool container, I think the default margin should be small. I build huge workflows, and putting each section in a tool container. I have to go in and change each one to small margins to condense the workspace. Perhaps in the user settings, under document, there could be a default margin option, just as there is a container color option.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Hi Terri,

Thank you for the product suggestions.  Both of these are good and we will consider them for upcoming releases.  On the Multi-field formula, we are actually working on a data cleansing tool that I hope will provide the functionality you are looking for without getting into more complicated Multi-Field Formula use.

11 - Bolide

Couldn't agree more Terri!


Almost every time I use Multi-Field Formula I have to go back after the fact and uncheck "Copy Output Fields...".  I definitiely think the default functionality should be flipped.


And everytime I use Tool Containers (which is in pretty much 100% of my workflows) I have to alter the margins (and style).  Setting up defaults in User Settings would be great!

5 - Atom

I concur with the above.  It would be nice to have a preferences JSON file that loads all of the user preferences for stuff like this at the start.  (Similar to how Sublime Text Editor does it.)  Thanks for your consideration!

8 - Asteroid

This request is spot on. I ALWAYS have to untick this option. I can see how it might be useful, but it should not be the default.

Status changed to: Coming Soon

Keep an eye out for some very exciting updates around setting custom tool defaults, coming soon! 😁

Status changed to: Implemented

We are SO excited about all the possibilities with our new Custom Tool Defaults setting, available with 24.2 release - you can now set your own custom tool defaults for ANY tool!! 


This means you can set your own default for that Multi-Field Formula tool check box, margin settings and formatting options for containers, as well as set custom options for virtually any other tools too!