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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Default Format for Comment Boxes

Similar to how the Tool Container Defaults can be set on the Document tab of User Settings, it would be nice to be able to set the Comment box defaults here as well. I find that I change the Colour & Size every time I add a comment, and would appreciate if this could just be set as a default.
5 - Atom

Hi there,

this requirement will help my users a lot. They write their comments in Hebrew and unless they change the font to Hebrew font, the comment won't appear correctly. That's why it will be much easier if they won't have to change the font every time they want to write a comment.


Thank you,


9 - Comet

I would really appreciate template format for comment boxes.  Would be great to be able to do something like this:


Workflow Name:  the name

Author:   myname

Create Date: today

Description:  a concise description as to what it does


The above would be the content, but I would like it in a nice table with a coloured background.

Would be great to be able to embed variables into this template so they are auto populated from the workflow's metadata, e.g. the name, the author user name, the create date...


6 - Meteoroid

I agree! I have to change the font size, background color, and alignment of every comment I make for it to stand out. Wish I could specify that in my default settings. Please consider adding this functionality.

6 - Meteoroid

Hard to believe this is not a default feature yet. I'd be happy to have that in the next update.

5 - Atom

Even a format painter tool like Microsoft uses would be nice.

7 - Meteor

How this is still not a thing is crazy to me. I'd love to be able to set default formatting for comments, as well as the wording of annotations (outside the system-generated defaults). It would save a great deal of time to be able to ensure alignment and font size are readable at the start instead of having to manually adjust every comment box created for every flow.

Status changed to: Coming Soon

Keep an eye out for some very exciting updates around setting custom tool defaults, coming soon! 😁

Status changed to: Implemented

We are SO excited about all the possibilities with our new Custom Tool Defaults setting, available with 24.2 release - you can now set your own custom tool defaults for ANY tool!! 


This will let you set your own custom formatting for Comment boxes, as well as custom options for virtually any other tool too!