Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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It would be great if we could select default settings for containers, so that when they are added they could be automatically set to narrow margins and gray background (or whatever). (PS I'm going to add another idea regarding idea categories, because "tools" and "designer" aren't available categories, but that seems like the best place for this idea).
It would be great if the mapping allowed point themes to be bi-variate, i.e. you could change the size of a point at the same time as adjusting its colour to show two variables on the map at once, relative to each other.


Create a tool that allows user to create calculated fields for Tableau to output along with a .tde so they are available when openning the tde.  


There are several situations where precalculated materialized data will visualize inaccurately in Tableau and calcualted fields need to be used.

  • 1:* measures - Fixed Lod expersions for selected measures
  • Count Distinct
  • Percentages and Ratios



As of today, only English is available. But it's hard to convince French Customers with french language data to buy the AIS if it cannot work with their data.

Best regards,


In the previous tools the information lab had build for publishing to Tableau server, they had the incremental TDE refresh option available. I would like to see that included in the Publish to Tableau Server Macro. We often just want to add previous day data to a YTD data extract without running the full data set from our Datawarehouse. The full set takes long and a daily increment / add only would take a couple minutes.

In the histogram tool, I would like the ability to specify the bins, not just the number of bins, but the values of the bins. That would be especially helpful when comparing different data sets when I want to see an apples to apples comparison across two different histograms. 

Shapefile generate 4 filetypes (shp, shx, dbf, prj). When Alteryx generates a shapefile, the latter 3 file types are in uppercase, only shp is in lowercase. Can you change all 4 filetypes to lowercase so we don't have problems reading them in linux?

It would be good to have the ability to select what column to use for Primary key when using the "create new table" output option of the output data tool.


When using the "update: insert if new" output option, you receive the error "Primary Key required for Update" if table does not have primary key.


Workaround is to manually create table with primary key constraint.

In a fututre release from SQL Server the datatypes text, ntext and image will be deprecated. It is already a bad datatype because you cannot use it as a "normal" character string. No equal to sometinh else in T-SQL on a text datatype.


As far as I know Alteryx defaults to text (my source is a PostgreSQL database) when creating the table in SQL Server. The datatype in Alteryx is Vstring. Instead of text or ntext it would be zo much better to use varchar(MAX) or nvarchar(MAX) when creating the table. Not only for compatiblity and later use in T-SQL (if any), but it is faster as well. Data from a varchar(MAX) column is stored in the same page as the record, as log as it fits.

Would be nice to have a place where general use macros or packages could be published by the community and then used within the designer.

Thinking of something along the lines of the NuGet package manager:

This is something small and silly, but having a comma in the number of records shown on the output window would be very helpful!

I was wondering if anyone else in the community thought it would be a good idea for Alteryx to add the capability to import a Mapinfo raster file?  Currently you can work with MapInfo's vector .tab files but you cannot bring into Alteryx MapInfo raster .tab files.

Even if Alteryx is not able to do any spatial calculations on the raster it would still be useful to import a georegistered raster .tab file to allow the user to display lat/long referenced data on top of it.  Another way to look at it would be like alowing a user to create and use a custom reference map in the Map Report tool.

I need this functionality because I often need to display lat/long data on top of georegistered .tab floorplans (always created in MapInfo). Currently there seems to be no easy way of doing that.  The simple solution would just be able to import them and view .  Later if you could do spatial calculations on those files that would be an enormous bonus.  


Ability to adjust the underlying speeds on the roadways via the GUI and eliminate having to modify the xml file and registry OR adjust the existing speeds in Guzzler that correspond to the urban roadways to bette reflect traffic volume and the resulting drive time polygons that are created in dense urban areas.

When using Server datasources Alteryx can take a long time to query metadata, particularly for long complex queries. This often happens on opening a module or clicking on the Input tool to eit properties.


This leads to frustration with these modules. It would be good for Alteryx to cache the metadata (i.e. columns) from these inputs and prompt the user to reuse this cached data if it it takes longer than say 2 seconds to retrieve the query.



Only csv is provided (and json etc) but not .xlsx

Let us know when this can be added to Alteryx



The capability to input/output R Datasets via the input/output tools, together with all the other data formats as well (like csv, Excel, SAS, SPSS, etc).

Within the mapping tool, please add an alignment option (left/center/right) within the label options (when wrapping).

Have a feature in Alteryx that automatically and dynamically creates documentation or a SOP standard operating procedure. I imagine the flow and connectivity of each process  would cause it to be easy enough to translate from a visual display into a written form. This would be extremely helpful to workflows that touch and handle data that has to be accounted for, whether that be through an audit or any other forms of IT controls.
I want the ability to select a field from my reference YXDB file in the Map Input tool to color-code the features based on their value. For example, I have a file of store locations, with each record containing last quarter's sales figures. I want to use that file as my reference in the Map Input, and have the points for each stores sized bigger-to-smaller based on their sales. Or another example would be color-coding sales territories/polygons.
It would be great if we could output the coefficients of regression equation to a table so that one can use them in rest of the module. Currently, Alteryx can output the table/coefficients in charts/reports form which is not re-usable as such in the module. 
The values of coefficients/Residuals/Errors would be very useful in building macros for techniques like Missing Value Analysis which can't be done in Alteryx as of now.
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