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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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In other data programs like access or Toad you can put conditions on a join. You can choose if something is greater than, less than, left join, right join, etc.
But with Alteryx you are only allowed to join a perfect match. It would be really great if you could add that functionality into 9.0

Instead of having multiple filters to create mutliples new branches for downstream analysis, Alteryx should have one filter with multiples ouputs ports. Each filter would is own statement. 

This would reduce the numbers of filters in a canvas.

Currently if I enter a long text using the Text Input Tool (for example when posting data using XML) it's impossible to see what's in the entire field since the horizontal scrolling immediately jumps to the next field instead of smoothly scrolling the (long) first field. I have to edit the data in Notepad and then paste back into Alteryx to fix.

Alteryx Designer x64 - RFM_pushSF.yxmd.jpg

This idea is concerned with suggesting values based on text box entry in an analytic app. This would be an autocomplete within the text box interface based on matches to a list of connected values. For example, if someone was posting "805 Wells Road" it would expand the text box window and supply potential matches to click on.


Quick and dirty photoshop image below:



It would be great if you could select multiple Data Fields in a single Crosstab

For example. I would like to SUM (Methodology) Pet Food Sales (Data Field 1) & Baby Food Sales (Data Field 2) By Store (Grouping Field) By Day of Week (Header field).

I have reviewed a number of batch macros that work well for mirroring the "NetworkingDays" excel calculation but it would be great to add an interval type for "weekdays" to the DateTimeDiff formula ie


 DateTimeDiff ( [Date01],[Date02], "WorkDays")  where any Saturday or Sunday between the dates would be discounted.

In the ‘Report – Table’ tool I would like to be able to force headings to multiple lines. For example If I have a heading such as “Catchment (%)” or “Spend (£)”, I would like there to be an easy way to make the (%) / (£) move to the second line when I have fixed width columns.


As the subject header says, I would like the Data Cleansing tool to incorporate a way for the user to explicitly specify characters that should be removed.

A very common task that should exist in this tool, removing the need for writing formulas and cluttering the workflow with additional tools.



I think that it would be useful to add two new Rename Modes to the Dynamic Rename tool -- here are the existing ones:

I would add:
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Metadata
Take Field Metadata from Right Input Rows

These would allow mass changes in data type, size and scale based on either an existing data table's metadata or an external metadata table.

I would like to be able to pause a module A, run module B then restart A at a later time.   

I have an app that contains 4 check boxes.  Each check box is independent, and when checked, two other prompts open up to the user (in this case, text boxes which are also independent of the other check boxes).

I would like to be able to "Check All", so that with one click, ALL four check boxes are checked, and their prompts all open up.

You can select all fields at once, but it'd be nice to select a chunk of fields using CTL+Shift+Click

For an email event, there are several defaults that are shown in the body (e.g., %User%, %ComputerName%, %WorkingDir%).

It would be nice to add a date in there, maybe %Date% or %DateTime% or something like that which would display the computer system time.

It would be great if there was an option to compute 'median' on numerical data column in 'cross-tab' tool. We trust 'median' a lot more than 'average' in many different computations.
I would stretch my suggestion far enough to propose adding quantile computations as well...


It would be good to be able to constrain the size of an image in the vertical direction as well as the horizontal.  I am currently working on a report that has an image in the middle of a page of text.  If the user inputs an image that is not the same size as my test image, it can push text onto the next page which ruins the report.  Having the image next to the text and constraining horizontally is not an option with this project.

It would be nice if we could change the tool numbers and effect which one gets done first. If I'm working on a module and I later add some more analysis upstream it won't get done or pulled first since it has a greater number. a simply ability to change the numbers would really make things a lot easier and it will allow the flow of work to flow smoothly visually
Whenever Alteryx recognizes a field as a Date, it should default to Date, not Date/Time. I don't think I'm in the minority, but I rarely need to see the date AND the time. 99.9% of all of my date fields do not have a time associate with them; such as: Open Date, Close Date, Remodel Date, Lease Expiration Date, Lease Start Date, Date Record Updated, Relocation Date, etc., etc., etc. So I always get results like 4/1/2013 12:00:00, which makes it difficult to query against without changing to just Date. I would venture to guess that most people don't use the time either, but I may be wrong. So, defaulting to just Date would save a lot of us that extra step for each date column.

As you know, Developers and Analysts are very picky when it comes to their UI preferences. Regardless of their preferences, providing the option to change these settings is the KEY.


Currently, in the latest version, under the Edit User Settings menu option, there is no way to change the dark background colour of the Menu palette which comes by default with the new version. Give us the ability to customize this please.









For the Charting tool, specify descending/reverse order for a Bar Chart type, so that it puts the largest value at the top.

It would be handy to have an increment function similar to SQL's Identity datatype that allows you to specify a seed and increment value.  It would seem like a really simple tool to add.  Ideally the seed value could come from an incoming connection to give the flexibility of retrieving the seed value from a database.

I've found a workaround explained on my blog here, but it would just be handy to have this built in.
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