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Improve Data Cleansing Tool - Remove specified characters

As the subject header says, I would like the Data Cleansing tool to incorporate a way for the user to explicitly specify characters that should be removed.

A very common task that should exist in this tool, removing the need for writing formulas and cluttering the workflow with additional tools.



11 - Bolide

Hi @aroos! Fun fact about the Data Cleansing Tool - it is a macro! If you right-click on a Data Cleansing Tool and click "Open Macro...", you'll see that this tool is nothing more than a bunch of Multi-Field Formula tools combined together, each set up to do a specific type of cleansing. Using what is already there as a guide, you could add and configure another Multi-Field Formula tool (with the appropriate Interface tools connected to it) to add the feature you you want. 


2 special notes:

  1. You likely won't be able to overwrite the actual Data Cleansing macro so you'll have to do a File Save As and save a copy of the macro somewhere else, then bring in the macro from there. If you want your version of the Data Cleansing Tool available for selection in the Tool Palette, see the article and comments here
  2. Just be aware that the more Multi-Field formulas are in this macro, the slower it will run, even if those cleansing options are not checked on the macro's configuration (which is probably 1 reason why Alteryx didn't add your feature to the macro initially).
7 - Meteor

Thanks for the reply DultonM.


I will have a look into it and might try to modify it myself. It is however a pity it is not included since it is a very common operation that I guess alot of people expect to find in this kind of tool.

8 - Asteroid
It would be able to use this to convert string to numbers and remove any unwanted to symbols ie $(999,444.29) to 999444.29
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for the request and comments.  We will look at adding this functionality to the tool that ships with the product.  It was actually something that was considered in the initial implementation, but we opted for more simplicity over more functionality.  The use case though is very common and cannot be accomplished with the tool as is.  



9 - Comet



This is still under review? It would be really helpful if the data cleansing tool could convert the string amounts into double without losing the decimal point. Eg: $1,999.99 to 1999.99 and not 199999



Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Our product team is interested in this idea, however we're unable to fit this idea on the current road map. However, we'd like to keep it in mind for future features and we'll update the status once we know if or when we can include this feature.