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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Autocomplete Suggestion Based on Value Entry

This idea is concerned with suggesting values based on text box entry in an analytic app. This would be an autocomplete within the text box interface based on matches to a list of connected values. For example, if someone was posting "805 Wells Road" it would expand the text box window and supply potential matches to click on.


Quick and dirty photoshop image below:



5 - Atom

Totally agree! Would be an extremely helpful feature.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Great idea - and Tableau does this out the box currently.


From watching the Tableau and Alterxy yearly events on YouTube - both are on a journey towards a toolset where more and more users can use them safely without having to understand the complexity of software or XML or formulas or data cleanup.


This is similar to the way that Cognos started moving a few years ago with the Watson Analytics suite - bring the level of capability of the tools up to remove the barriers to usage.


Your suggestion of allowing auto complete on a pre-scan of a data-set is yet another step in that right direction.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Thanks for adding this idea to the Ideas forum. We'll consider this for future improvements to the interface tools and analytic apps. 

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Revisit

Thank you for posting to the Alteryx Community! Our product team is interested in this idea, however we're unable to fit this idea on the current road map. However, we'd like to keep it in mind for future features and we'll update the status once we know if or when we can include this feature.