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The Email tool does not send out e-mails after an error occurred in the workflow. Since this usually is a good thing, it sometimes would be helpful being able to send out e-mails also in case of errors.

In particular, I want to send out an e-mail with a detailed and formatted custom error message.


Thus, please add a check box "Also send mail in case of errors" which is off by default.


Side note: The Event "Send mail After Run With Errors" does not work for me because it is too inflexible. Just sending out the OutputLog is not helpful because the error message might be hidden after hundreds of rows.


The TO field (and I assume other fields) in the Email tool seem to have a 254 character limit - this should be increased heavily as there are many distribution lists that will go above this character limit!

A distribution list works but is not ideal. Thumbs up if you like this idea!

I am trying to add additional functionality to my existing workflow.


We have a common workflow pushed to the Alteryx server and there will be multiple people running this workflow.


Every time the workflow is run, the expectation is that an automatic email should be sent to the person who has triggered it(and won't be sent to multiple other people).


Currently, we have it set up using the Email tool but I do not see an option to dynamically update this “To” field to automatically use the email of a person running the workflow on the server.

This is a feature request based on my comment submitted here: Email Tool: Format "From" field to accommodate "Di... - Alteryx Community


It would be great to provide an option in the Designer Email Tool to allow us to specify a "Display Name" when sending emails.  The "Display Name" is a common part of the email specs listed here: RFC2822 - Section 3.4 (Address Specification) 


The email gateway/service that I'm using will send emails, but the "From" line will reflect only the email address.


For example, it will show an email as being from "" where I would love for it to show up as from "Smith, John".  This would make emails appear like other internal company emails in our company Outlook clients, and in general provides more useful flexibility for the Email tool. 


Many other email clients support using Display Name, but it appears that Alteryx currently doesn't.


The format of an email address with Display Name is something like "Smith, John" <> (with or without the quotes).


The Table tool does not allow renaming a field so that it breaks at a specific point.

Fields like "H.S. Dropouts Non-Hispanic" and "H.S. Dropouts Whites" need a forced break after Dropouts.


Now we get random breaks like


H.S. Dropouts



H.S. Dropouts White


The Rename Field function in the Basic Table tool would be a great place to allow forced breaks.



I have found a few examples in which the formatting options can be more finely tuned when editing the XML of a workflow but is not allowed by the user interface.


Border widths are just one example. The smallest border width is 1px, whereas if you edit the XML to "0.5" and save, you will get more narrow borders.

I've used the Table tool with large data sets to make tables with conditional formatting etc. There's a couple of suggestions I'd like to see.


1. I noticed an issue where if you disconnect from the tool prior to the Table tool before it forgets your settings quite easily and you may need to redo them. This is quite frustrating if you have lots of columns

2. The controls for sorting and interacting with columns aren't very good, if they were more like the select tool controls that would be fantastic. Perhaps this could be resolved with a select tool beforehand but I still think it is worth putting on the table tool itself.

3. Render output. when making excel outputs with multiple sheets of varying sizes, its very difficult to control. The sheets all stretch to the largest size. I've found I've had to put in white space in Report Text tools on one side of a table tool in order to make up the space and prevent stretching. (I found that solution on the forums)





Alteryx currently shows 100% in the profiling of spatial fields in the results window, regardless of if there are rows with missing spatial features. I opened a ticket about this & was told it is expected behavior.


Therefore, I submit the idea that the profiling for spatial fields should give an accurate profile of the field, & if there are nulls in the field, it should identify that column isn't 100% OK and show the % of records that have null values, like the profiling does for every other column in workflows.












Thank you!

Dear Development Team,

Can we bring back to multiple-column X-axis feature for chart?

The old (depreciated) Charting Tool allows to output 2 dimensions on the X-axis in addition to having an option for "Dynamic/Unknown" column(s). This is not possible with its supposed replacement the Interactive Chart Tool.

A possible use case is Weekly Challenge #91 Challenge #91: Getting into the Weeds - Alteryx Community

If we use the current Interactive Chart Tool, we will need to manually specify 64x layers to cover all bases. Even then the solution will still fail if more "weed types" are added to the datasets.

Considering that bar/column chart is likely the most commonly used and also most basic chart, please can we either bring back the fully supported Charting Tool or add this feature to the current Interactive Chart?

Thank you.


I am having to render my Alteryx formatted reports to Excel and then upload the report to Google Sheets


It would be very useful (and improve the less well known Alteryx Reporting capabilities) to be able to render straight to a Google Sheet and preserve the formatting.





Currently saving file output as PowerPoint is possible only doing workaround as in Megan's article (link below) using Render Tool. It might be more intuitive to implement PowerPoint to supported options in "Output Mode" dropdown.





There is an extensive need from customers to be able to create emails but not send them (right away at least).

I'm in the banking sector and I have been seeing many banks using Alteryx and Alteryx server in their routines. Also, when it comes to sending automatic e-mails in this sector, its very risky. We need a "four eyes check" when dealing with clients information. Currently there is no workaround that could be applied to e-mail tool when used in Alteryx server as well.

My idea is to simply create a button "Save in draft" in e-mail tool to create an .eml format as output. This .eml can be read by outlook and thus, it creates a draft.

This also should be taken into account when dealing with drafts in alteryx server, so that any user can run the workflow and get the desired draft.


Hello Alteryx folks!


I think it would be awesome to be able to dynamically rename headers right in the Table tool so that the headers can stay in their intended position. For instance, if you use a Dynamic Rename tool, the Table tool will put the new "unknown" column at the end of the output. We have the ability to rename and add formulas to the fields, but we cannot do the same with the headers.



Most organizations have rules for password expiry every 60-90 days. We have to go into each workflow that has an email tool and update it manually and reschedule it.
If the username and password for an email tool is coming from a field, we can then use a macro to update it.



Hello there!

Currently the email tool has the following configuration:


It is a fairly easy tool to use - however one part that I would like to be improved is testing the SMTP settings - similar to how it is done on the Alteryx Server. It would be awesome to have a button as part of this page, that would send a test email, and return true/display to the user that the email sent correctly. This would stop the need to setup dummy data and a dummy output to test a connection before rolling the email tool out into a live environment/use-case.


I imagine something along these lines for this functionality:


Clicking test (and passing):


Clicking test (and failing):





Currently, the Visual Layout tool (as opposed to the Layout tool) is in a Beta version and has been since I have been using Alteryx. 

I think it's a fantastic tool for (as in the name) visually laying out your reporting tools. I find the original layout tool difficult to use without great attention to detail, and it can cost a lot of time when building report-based workflows.

It would be great to get the Visual Layout tool out of Beta, similar to a lot of the other Laboratory tools (, and increase confidence in using the tool. It is currently hard to suggest using the tool to Alteryx users, as 'BETA' creates apprehension of bugs and unstable functionality.



Hi Community Microsoft wil deprecate basic Authentication, so users will need OAuth2 to be included in the email tool. Microsoft is removing the ability to use Basic authentication in Exchange Online for Exchange ActiveSync (EAS), POP, IMAP, Remote PowerShell, Exchange Web Services (EWS), Offline Address Book (OAB), Outlook for Windows, and Mac. This change will be efective on October 1, 2022. Best regards, JP



The native email tool is great up to a certain volume, but at high volume it makes more sense to use sendgrid to take advantage of its features like deliverability etc


Would be great if there was a ready-made connector tool for SendGrid



Please consider adding a new setting to the Render Tool, so the users can select or deselect if an existing File should be overwritten (Otherwise throw an error, like the Output Data Tool does, when configured to create a new Sheet and that Sheet already exists)







The basic table report tool could be improved by including a title option, such as a checkbox that allows you to add a title above the table.


When you want to add a title to a table, you must create a report text specifically for that purpose. The more significant improvement would be for situations in which you want to create tables grouped by a specific field. It would be nice to have the option to add a title per group as well, this would make it easier to add all of them to a report in a more dynamic way without having to do workarounds.



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