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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Move Visual Layout tool out of Beta


Currently, the Visual Layout tool (as opposed to the Layout tool) is in a Beta version and has been since I have been using Alteryx. 

I think it's a fantastic tool for (as in the name) visually laying out your reporting tools. I find the original layout tool difficult to use without great attention to detail, and it can cost a lot of time when building report-based workflows.

It would be great to get the Visual Layout tool out of Beta, similar to a lot of the other Laboratory tools (, and increase confidence in using the tool. It is currently hard to suggest using the tool to Alteryx users, as 'BETA' creates apprehension of bugs and unstable functionality.



8 - Asteroid

+1 this tool is great. I have used it extensively and works like a charm. The only downside is the annoying msg you get when you use it that makes your workflows get flagged like "Warning" when it’s not an issue at all. 


"Warning: Visual Layout (21): The Visual Layout tool currently does not handle placement of grouped elements or elements containing multiple records."

13 - Pulsar
