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Dynamically send email to user who had triggered the workflow

I am trying to add additional functionality to my existing workflow.


We have a common workflow pushed to the Alteryx server and there will be multiple people running this workflow.


Every time the workflow is run, the expectation is that an automatic email should be sent to the person who has triggered it(and won't be sent to multiple other people).


Currently, we have it set up using the Email tool but I do not see an option to dynamically update this “To” field to automatically use the email of a person running the workflow on the server.

1 Comment
10 - Fireball

I've done something similar to this. 


You can use a field for the 'To' field. There should be a tick box to the right of 'To:'


As for how to get the actual e-mail address. There are two options really. 


1, if there aren't too many people that will use the app, you can create a list of people's e-mail addresses and their system username. Then, match the username up by using the formula "GetEnvironmentVariable('Username')" and match it to that list. That will create your 'To' field, which you feed into the e-mail tool. 


2, which I did and which relies on your company using a standard email format... for example...

Get the username by using the formula above. Do some regex to parse out the initial and surname. Attach the '' part to it and use this as your To field.


If the above are not an option, then you may have to add an interface text box tool, asking the person to type in the email address. Unfortunately, your e-mail isn't stored in your PC sys file, which Alteryx can access. 


Hope this helps.