Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Bring back to multiple-column X-axis and "dynamic layer" feature for charts?

Dear Development Team,

Can we bring back to multiple-column X-axis feature for chart?

The old (depreciated) Charting Tool allows to output 2 dimensions on the X-axis in addition to having an option for "Dynamic/Unknown" column(s). This is not possible with its supposed replacement the Interactive Chart Tool.

A possible use case is Weekly Challenge #91 Challenge #91: Getting into the Weeds - Alteryx Community

If we use the current Interactive Chart Tool, we will need to manually specify 64x layers to cover all bases. Even then the solution will still fail if more "weed types" are added to the datasets.

Considering that bar/column chart is likely the most commonly used and also most basic chart, please can we either bring back the fully supported Charting Tool or add this feature to the current Interactive Chart?

Thank you.


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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes