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Table Tool and Render Tool Improvements

I've used the Table tool with large data sets to make tables with conditional formatting etc. There's a couple of suggestions I'd like to see.


1. I noticed an issue where if you disconnect from the tool prior to the Table tool before it forgets your settings quite easily and you may need to redo them. This is quite frustrating if you have lots of columns

2. The controls for sorting and interacting with columns aren't very good, if they were more like the select tool controls that would be fantastic. Perhaps this could be resolved with a select tool beforehand but I still think it is worth putting on the table tool itself.

3. Render output. when making excel outputs with multiple sheets of varying sizes, its very difficult to control. The sheets all stretch to the largest size. I've found I've had to put in white space in Report Text tools on one side of a table tool in order to make up the space and prevent stretching. (I found that solution on the forums)





11 - Bolide

Great Idea!


We need better experience with Table tool.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes
8 - Asteroid

I use extensively the Table Tool for reporting. I am applying a standardised formatting and would like to save it a formatting by default for all future uses.

That would be really helpful considering the number of reports output that way.


I also vote for the adjustments of page sizes when outputting to multiple Excel sheets. We tend to get complaints from final users of the report that it always fits to the widest even if sheet1 has 3 columns and sheet2 has 20 columns.