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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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The Data Preview of the Formula Tool is SO helpful ! 

Make it better by allowing preview on other rows than the first 







A function to generate relevant Random Mockup data to replace existing data or create new test data sets.

Insert into fields mock data for First Name, Family Name, Email Address, Country, Regular Address, Payment amount and information, etc.


This would be easy to code and could be used to easily replace existing fields with made up fields or jumbled up fields or numbers e.g. payment amounts randomised to a similar size and shape.  There are a number of internet sites that already provide this service but it would be so much better to bake this directly into a tool that allows you to generate random datasets for testing and anonymisation of existing data for demos etc.


This would make users of Alteryx much more productive and allow them to preempt datasets and allow much more rapid creation of solutions.

It would be handy to have an increment function similar to SQL's Identity datatype that allows you to specify a seed and increment value.  It would seem like a really simple tool to add.  Ideally the seed value could come from an incoming connection to give the flexibility of retrieving the seed value from a database.

I've found a workaround explained on my blog here, but it would just be handy to have this built in.
I love the new 9.5 Filter tool interface.  Very simple to create filters!

A simple addition could be to add an "And" and "Or" button next to the wizard so we can build more complex filters with multiple conditions

Is it possible to expand the filter function with an extra option to select a field with a filter definition in it. I want this so i can define a filter over multiple fields an type.


Alteryx filter.png

I saw that Carlos has made a similar macro (Click here).


To execute a filter saved in a record set i now have build a macro. this is how my macro looks like. nothing fancy but it does his job. 

Filter Macro.PNG

the macro is then called like this:

Filter Execution.PNG

regards Humberto

If a user selects 10 Input tools, the ability to then right click and be able to "Insert After" to a Union tool and have all the Inputs attach to the Union would be great!

Right now there is not an exception join in DB which means if I want to remove records I have to filter on NULL and with large tables this is really inefficient.

I often have to process strings as number, i.e. read a number from a csv as a string and then have to convert to number.  I would like to be able to use the data cleanse component and say treat as number format and then select the format, e.g. fixed decimal.  I would then expect the cleanse component to strip out any characters that would prevent the string from converting to the number format, i.e. strip out the commas but leave the full stops.

Any python user will tell you that one of the reasons why python is so powerful is the ability to access values using their indexes. It would be great if alteryx had such a system in place too, where you can access values or loop over them using their index, which can then be applied in creating new columns or calculations. 


P.S - I know we can use the python tool but I would rather see this ability built in the formula tool.




I think a great functionality addon would be a tool that could allow one to impute dates.  While the formula tool and multi-row tool can in many cases assist, it is not useful when dealing with batch macros where a date imputation would need to change.



How about a simple button on Multi- Row tool, to simply reverse the order of the loop. 


Instead of going upside-down, reversing to downside up, if the user wants to?


This will avoid (as attached) to including sorting tools before and after the Multi-Row formula.


This could really save work time when testing hypothesis.







Community issues already happened:



Kind Regards,



I can't believe Alteryx doesn't have a tool or function that can convert string numbers to numeric values even when the string number has commas.

I know you can always put in a Formula or MultiField Formula to remove the commas, but this is the 21st century.  It ought to be an option in the ToNumber function and a checkbox in the Select tool when changing Type.

The summarize tool have drag drop facility and cross checking and suggestion on the type of aggregation that can be applied based on the data type.


e.g. Let there be two different stack. One to be used for Group By. Another for aggregation.


We should be able to drag fields to these sections.


Now when we are dragging something to the Aggregation stack, based on the data type, a small suggestion list of possible aggregation to choose from.


And a small validation of the data type to aggregation if we are defining the aggregation manually.


I can provide mock ups if anyone is interested.

It would be extremely useful if most Alteryx tools had the option to output error records seaparetly. This functionality is already present in most other ETL packages, even freeware ones like Pentaho - Kettle. From its wiki:


Step error handling allows you to configure a step so that instead of halting a transformation when an error occurs, the rows that caused an error are passed to a different step.



Hi All


I thought that this idea might be helpful for users who wanted to remove or trim specific characters without having to write regex formula or multiple replace formula, so I made some change to data cleansing macro tool and add some new feature that can be used for trimming or replace specific characters without having to spend time to write formula / multifield formula, just need to configure data cleansing tool and it's done 


For example, I trim the quote symbol without having to remove another symbol, or in case there's another quote in the data, Since I use the trim function, it won't remove the quote symbol inside the sentence too, only the quote symbol at the left and right of the sentence.




Also, it can be used to replace a specific word(like find and replace, but without having to create a dataset to replace the word) and can be used for multiple fields,  at the example below I replace NA to 0.







Please allow changes to axis in Profile so it can be relative and not include zero. Per below screenshot, the Profile is not helpful when the axis starts at zero.



Unlike 'Multi-row formula' tool, the 'Multi-field formula' tool's expression textbox doesn't word wrap. Please see below picture that shows how each behaves respectively.


Wouldn't it be better to make the 'Multi-Field formula' tool to behave the same for both consistency and ease of use?








Formula tool expression editor is very useful. However, I have remeber the syntax when I write expressions in other expresion editor like custom filter, multirow formula etc..





I have a process where I output data to a database each week.  Because the database fields have a pre-defined/expected data type, I must maintain that same data type in my workflow.  However, I would still like Alteryx to determine the max size of the fields for string fields.  The Auto Field tool does both, and sometimes it might change the data type of a field based on the records being passed at the time.


The reason is because the output to the target database is fastest when you make the string field sizes as small as possible.  So, hard-coding the field sizes has inherent inefficiencies.

A way to filter multiple fields by the same variable.


For Example. If I have multiple columns that have Names, email addresses, etc. I want to filter all fields so that each field Does Not Contain = "Test"


If this already exist, my apologies. Just point me in the right direction 😉

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