Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Formula Tool - Set input row number for Data Preview

The Data Preview of the Formula Tool is SO helpful ! 

Make it better by allowing preview on other rows than the first 







Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback!


To help our product team understand the goal of this idea as best we can, what would be the most optimal way for you to see this included (and for anyone else interested in this idea)? Would you like to see it as part of the formula, like an optional addition to the string, or would you like to see it as a toggle-able user setting?



11 - Bolide

Perhaps beside the Data Preview there could be a Row N where N defaults to 1 and could be changed by user to some other integer.

Or perhaps the active row in the results display could drive the formula results.


I think you guys will come up with a great way to do it however you land and I know the feature will help me get formulas right faster.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepting Votes